By jove I think he's got itGHOSTHUNTER wrote:I'm gonna have to run through that plan again...
"Fixer" has got a model that "Motorman" wants, but I have got a model that "Fixer" wants. "Motorman" wants "Fixer" to give him his model and "Fixer" wants me to give him my model, therefore, the model "Fixer had, is now with "Motorman" so "Motorman" has the model that was owned by "Fixer" and "Fixer" is wanting my model, so I give "Fixer" my model and "Fixer" now has a model, my model, but I don't see a model coming to me from anyone else!!!
Nope, there's definitely something wrong there somewhere...
GHOSTHUNTER wrote:So that's where that odd Y-7 went, you've got, you jammy g+t!!!
I am now in a quandry, don't know what to do, I know what you want me to do, but do I want to do it!!!
You had to play your 'Joker' didn't you.......I need to go away and consult my Lawyers, my financial adviser, my Psychiatrist and my big book on..."How to keep your rare models and don't let people called Fixer have them".