20 Quid well spent :-)

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Re: 20 Quid well spent :-)

Post by Ewan »

Well, here's my pic of the cleaned up 'keepers' from this lot. The transporter is my favourite version with the black writing (I must be the only person who doesn't prefer the red and grey one), the 27c Caddys are one of my favourite castings (but what colour is the better one?), the Bedford tipper is a bit of a personal one as my grandfather used to run maroon and grey trucks and the Morestone Foden has opened my eyes to a new collecting possibility. Quite a few of the 1-75s had been poorly stored at some point (rusty axles galore) and have gone into the project box - which is in drastic need of sorting out, and the rest has been/will be sold or swapped. Thanks Mum!
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