By the time superfast wheels were coming out the Pontiac GP was a newer, sleaker body style in real life. The 64' (even though it was a 65' intro it is a model of the 64') was really pretty dated when compared to what Detroit was rolling out by then. Perhaps that helped in the decision to replace it so soon?nickjones wrote:I think the purple 22 Pontiac has to be one of the all time prettiest Matchbox toys. I really can't understand why it was deleted so quickly.
On a side note, I had a 64' GP for awhile. Great car with a whole lot of style. The transmission (called a "slimjim"), was a wonky bit though and when it went I didn't have the scratch to replace it. Ended up trading for a 66 Impala.
I had a 65' Pontiac Bonneville convertible also(the GP's bigger sister), miss that one also.