Sandown Park toy fair, Saturday May the 28th.
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Got another Gold plated Solido Rolls-Royce Phantom III, for £8 and another 'Chrome' plated Corgi CLASSICS 3Ltr Bentley, also for £8.
The plated Bentley is very hard to find as they were sort of copying Matchbox and it had been intended for these to be fitted to various desk items, but the idea was cancelled. Vectis will have these for Three figures, so my £8 will serve me well in the future and this is my Second example, both shown in a picture further down.
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My treat at this event was this Japanese issue Silver Shadow with the last body casting (large rear wheel-arches) and dot-dash wheels which are rarely seen on this model.
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Big thank you to Rob who saved this model for me when it came up in discussion at the previous Sanddown toy fair and I said I would like to have it.
One last model to be added to the collection was this very nice Rolls-Royce Phantom VI Mp3 docking station. It has quite a complicated history, but I only have it now due to the generosity of Marcel ("Matchboxmarcel"), who offered to collect it from another forum member here ("Ecclesley"), who had to cancel his trip to the toy fair to gift this model to me personally, so I have been giving out some of my biggest thank's so far to such friendly members of our collecting community, thank's again Guys.
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The picture includes my Two very rare plated 3Ltr Bentley models from Corgi Toys.
I must also mention that a 'Yesteryear' Y3 Riley with Maroon seat and grille insert is no longer in my non R-R collection. I saw Bob (YYS4BOB), recently and he looked so down and out I felt so sorry for him as he said his collection is lacking that something special and I thought what he needed was a very rare Riley, something that One Day he can sell and retire on the proceeds and in return he gave me a Shoebox of Rolls-Royce and Bentley models.
I now have something to keep me busy during these long hot Summer evenings.