Toy fair news

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Re: Toy fair news

Post by fixer »

J Check my post in the authenticate topic ;) ;)
You'll wish you beat me there today
And it was good to meet you again Kev and I wish you all the best mate
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Re: Toy fair news

Post by nearlymint »

fixer wrote:J Check my post in the authenticate topic ;) ;)
You'll wish you beat me there today
And it was good to meet you again Kev and I wish you all the best mate
I never rush anywhere Reg, there is always something else waiting to be found.
Check my swaps page(rest has been under construction for years :))
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Re: Toy fair news

Post by DrJeep »

Anyone else going to Cirencester on Sunday 20 October?
jeff f
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Re: Toy fair news

Post by jeff f »

yes i hope to be there, there is a show at tewkeseury on the same day
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Re: Toy fair news

Post by Rob »

What are the 2 shows like, Cirencester and Tewkesbury?
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Re: Toy fair news

Post by DrJeep »

I think Tewkesbury must be new, so I don’t know anything about it. Cirencester is quite small and friendly: I’d guess maybe 40 or 50 stalls, but there’s usually a good choice. I’ve found some really nice things there - 14c ambulance with roof cross casting and black wheels, SF 13 Dodge tow truck with Esso label, Merryweather fire engine with the half sill casting. I don’t know if it would be worth a long journey, but that’s probably true of most fairs (even the NEC!).
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Re: Toy fair news

Post by jeff f »

hi, Tewkesbury hasent run for a few years, so sunday is the first one of a new start under a new org, it use to be a good show , but i be going to ciren, some good dealers get there and as dr jeep stated can find some good buys, but its luck of the draw ect
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Re: Toy fair news

Post by Mogsta »

Hi all
As a new member of the forum, can I ask which you consider to be the best fairs - the big ones like Sundown or the smaller local ones ?
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Re: Toy fair news


It is all down to what you actually want from a toy fair.

1, Rare and hard to find models are lilekey to be found at fairs not local to you because the local fairs you will be familiar with and notice the dealers stock rarely changes. So if you drive yourself around, get to some fairs well away from where you live. While living in one County I would go to a regular fair in another County 45 miles away and actually classed it as my local event!!

2, Toy fairs today are used more as a social event for a bit of swapping of models and conversasional topics among friends. I used to go to many toy fairs starting in the late 1970's but now only go to a few during any one year which are usually Sandown, the NEC and the Windsor Toy Fair which I organize anyway!

The bigger fairs will cost more to have a table for selling goods and a higher entry fee compared to the smaller fairs.

The number of toy fairs in the UK has dwindled because of stagnant stock at many of them and the internet making it so easy and more comfortable to buy models but not always a cheap way (shipping etc) to buy them.

Wherever you are based, do go to at least one of the big events organised by the Barry Potter team.

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Re: Toy fair news

Post by petethesweet »

Hi All, Another wasted trip to Sandown. Hadn't been down there for a couple of years same dealers with the same old stuff. Quite a few superfast about, prices seem to be creeping up. Didn't buy anything today apart from two that Graham brought down for me. Pete.