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Re: A warm welcome to the VBD forum

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 11:10 pm
by fixer
is that a swiss issue 44dd ;)

Re: A warm welcome to the VBD forum

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 1:48 am
by nickjones
motorman wrote:Definately not!!
I prefer haggis, I kid you not.

Re: A warm welcome to the VBD forum

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 1:55 pm
by motorman
nickjones wrote:
motorman wrote:Definately not!!
I prefer haggis, I kid you not.
Good to see an English man enjoying some scottish game.

I am going out on the hills this weekend in my kilt to see if i can get a few Haggis's for the pot! The breeding season is over so there should be plenty to trap. You need to be careful though they have a nasty bite on them, the little critters!! :lol:

And yes before you ask i am a true Scotsman no underwear for me. We are made tough up here beyond the wall!!

Re: A warm welcome to the VBD forum

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 5:03 pm
by mike
Hello Friends.
Shall we start again with the
Matchbox Calendar Girls in the new forum??????


Re: A warm welcome to the VBD forum

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 6:39 pm
by motorman
mike wrote:Hello Friends.
Shall we start again with the
Matchbox Calendar Girls in the new forum??????

Thank god Mike, for a minute i thought you and Naji had dreamt up a new calander idea


What ever you and Naji get up to behind closed doors should remain there!!..................please. ;)


Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 1:22 pm

Just popped into the Lefora forum and I see..."squibnocket1" still posting pictures there.

Can you PM him/her and convey the good news.

I started to explain in a PM and gave instructions on how to get here from Lefora, but realised the link may be discovered and pulled 'off-line' and I don't want that to happen, I want the link to stay intact and working, so cancelled the PM.


Re: A warm welcome to the VBD forum

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 2:10 pm
by nickjones
Hi Ghosthunter.
I can't see any of the lefora sites, I am blocked/banned and I just get a blank page, Maybe you could send him a pm via lefora telling him to go to the forum via a link from my site which would bring him here.

Re: A warm welcome to the VBD forum

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 3:25 pm
by kerbside
Hello Nick I can still get the Lefora site, and your post telling collectors that you have moved is still on there. Just click on ity and as you have given all the details about this new site, so any body can still click on the post. I am surprised that they have not closed it down by now, perhaps they think you will come back. ;) :lol: :lol:

George T.

Come in squibnock1, your time is up...!!!

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 4:20 pm
OK Nick,

have just sent a PM to squibnock1 on the Lefora forum, hope he reads it and finds us, will look in on the site again later and have a gander..


Re: A warm welcome to the VBD forum

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 8:11 pm
by Idris
As I said previously, I am monitoring the old forum and am PM-ing any posters (three so far) with details of the this Forum. I have also PM-ed Schenk and Biggles since there is still no sign of them.