Ghosthunter collects these...

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Re: Ghosthunter collects these...

Post by SuperFast »

nearlymint wrote:Wow Ghosty, I thought I had a lot of models. Some really nice minty models in boxes.
johnboy wrote:That's an impressive sight Ghosty, I hope you can get them displayed one day.
Thanks Guys. What you see there is only the tip of the iceburg so in displaying a large part of the collection would need an enormous amount of space, something I don't see coming my way any day soon.

Wow, now I have an idea, what is called a collection.
Congratulation to these great pieces.
Sven :)
Infected by Superfast
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Re: Ghosthunter collects these...


Thank you Sven.

A fewe more!

Sorting out a box of 1st issue Y-10 1906 Silver Ghost models where I always have the plated versions stored with the normal versions, I realised I had a first and last of a particular Giftware item.

The picture below is of the very first retailed silver Y-10 'Giftware' item.
This is the 3-10S from the 1971 catalogue. The model has the narrow or smallest brake levers mounting point which I know was changed to the wider mount during 1971.

Then the last silver Y-10 'Giftware' item.
This is item number 024 from the 1978 catalogue which by this time they were only asigning simple 3 digit numbers to the Giftware items. This model has the rounded brake levers mounting point we see on all the white over purple 1906 Silver Ghost versions.


I'll have to see if I can do the same with the gold versions.

No more Giftware items were officially catalogued from 1979 onwards.
