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Re: 46b Pickfords 2 line in green.
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:06 am
by numi
Has it ever occurred that we could possibly be dealing with the custodian of Mr Bob Brennan's collection or even his sales clerk for that matter? Also I had never even heard about his health status or his whereabouts since the past 3.5yrs.Is he still alive?
Re: 46b Pickfords 2 line in green.
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 4:09 pm
by kwakers
It is a clear known fact to anyone who has ever met or dealt with Bob Brennen that he has always been the honest person George references above, and at least 5 Forum members have nominated him to our Most Trusted Sellers list Numi. He is alive and well as one of the quietest, but most respected pioneer collectors and Lesney Historians in our U.S. Matchbox community.
Your statement that I am "Taking offence where none is intended" is that of a weasel who is now trapped by his own web of lies Mick. What kind of BOLD FACED distortion are you now trying to sell us here. I asked that your offensive Post which boldly implied that Bob was somehow personally responsible for creating a "Fake 2 line green Pickfords" be removed from our Forum. Your implication was simply a careless empty statement that may have been mistaken as fact by any naive, uneducated Forum member not familiar with Bob's world-wide stellar reputation. Apparently YOU are unaware of Bob's continuing sales on E Bay under RWC Toys. Your name is now tarnished by your false statements, not at all Bob's or his RWC Toys at all.
Bob pulled the sale of the green 2 line Pickford after many inquiries by Forum members about it. To attempt in any way to climb into another man's head and speculate on his motives or reasoning here as you have Mick is offensive to me. Both SCM and you have taken it as your personal campaign to try and kill the validity of the 2 line green Pickfords variation itself, even though genuine examples have been found by collectors here on our Forum. Your statement of 'Floodgates opening" is inaccurate. As can be seen by our Forum response, few of these 2 lines in green are known to exist. As a conspiracy theorist on this variation MickSCM, Please offer us more facts rather than the speculative points you both keep repeating in this thread. Repeating a decal story will not validate your opinions without supporting facts.
You are now accusing ME of tarnishing Bob's RWC Toys reputation Mick? What a backward and twisted outlook you have on the continuing statements YOU have posted here. Bob Brennen and I are very proud of his dealings with collectors under the E Bay name RWC Toys, so there are now just public facts that are counter to your never-ending false statements made earlier about his character. I am sure that Numi has bought from Bob, as well as many other silent members here such as George that were completely unaware of the legendary U.S. collector they were buying from. His past 12 months of sales show a vigorous 908 sales world-wide, with only one neutral and one negative being logged in his Feedback at E Bay. If those figures seem tarnished Mick, you may have never met such an honest Lesney collector.
DO NOT try and spin your earlier statements Mick, I have been quite clear from the start in my above posts as to how deeply your lies and negative statements about my friend of 40+ years have offended me. kwakers
Re: 46b Pickfords 2 line in green.
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 5:32 pm
by SMS88
kwakers wrote:It is a clear known fact to anyone who has ever met or dealt with Bob Brennen that he has always been the honest person George references above, and at least 5 Forum members have nominated him to our Most Trusted Sellers list Numi. He is alive and well as one of the quietest, but most respected pioneer collectors and Lesney Historians in our U.S. Matchbox community.
Your statement that I am "Taking offence where none is intended" is that of a weasel who is now trapped by his own web of lies Mick. What kind of BOLD FACED distortion are you now trying to sell us here. I asked that your offensive Post which boldly implied that Bob was somehow personally responsible for creating a "Fake 2 line green Pickfords" be removed from our Forum. Your implication was simply a careless empty statement that may have been mistaken as fact by any naive, uneducated Forum member not familiar with Bob's world-wide stellar reputation. Apparently YOU are unaware of Bob's continuing sales on E Bay under RWC Toys. Your name is now tarnished by your false statements, not at all Bob's or his RWC Toys at all.
Bob pulled the sale of the green 2 line Pickford after many inquiries by Forum members about it. To attempt in any way to climb into another man's head and speculate on his motives or reasoning here as you have Mick is offensive to me. Both SCM and you have taken it as your personal campaign to try and kill the validity of the 2 line green Pickfords variation itself, even though genuine examples have been found by collectors here on our Forum. Your statement of 'Floodgates opening" is inaccurate. As can be seen by our Forum response, few of these 2 lines in green are known to exist. As a conspiracy theorist on this variation MickSCM, Please offer us more facts rather than the speculative points you both keep repeating in this thread. Repeating a decal story will not validate your opinions without supporting facts.
You are now accusing ME of tarnishing Bob's RWC Toys reputation Mick? What a backward and twisted outlook you have on the continuing statements YOU have posted here. Bob Brennen and I are very proud of his dealings with collectors under the E Bay name RWC Toys, so there are now just public facts that are counter to your never-ending false statements made earlier about his character. I am sure that Numi has bought from Bob, as well as many other silent members here such as George that were completely unaware of the legendary U.S. collector they were buying from. His past 12 months of sales show a vigorous 908 sales world-wide, with only one neutral and one negative being logged in his Feedback at E Bay. If those figures seem tarnished Mick, you may have never met such an honest Lesney collector.
DO NOT try and spin your earlier statements Mick, I have been quite clear from the start in my above posts as to how deeply your lies and negative statements about my friend of 40+ years have offended me. kwakers
This emotive post above seems to be written with all the anger of a weasel with the intention of obscuring and diverting our attention away from the known facts.
Some folks earn their living profiting from pitting superior knowledge against the ignorance of buyers and sellers which is just the way things are in the capitalist world.
Kwakers´friend of 40 years set up the 1970 party where the crimped reverse wreckers obtained by Joe Stone were distributed yet neither kwakers or Hardy have ever obtained any quote to share that sheds any light on the true source of Joe Stone reverse wreckers so the myth first published by Harold Colpitts in 1970 remains as close to truth as we will perhaps ever be unless one day Bob chooses to bust it......
The known green 2 line 46b facts:
1. No reputable guide or collector publication listed a green 2 line 46b prior to 1980 in contrast to the blue 2 line version which has been listed
2. Lots of unused genuine 2 line Pickfords decals sold on the open market from the factory in the 1980s
3. since the 1980s a number of green 2 line 46bs have appeared for sale
4. No reputable collector who was collecting in the 1960s or 1970s has so far come forward to claim ownership of a green 2 line 46b prior to 1980
5. an ebay seller who was known to have a huge collection collected when the toys were first made by Lesney listed a green 2 line Pickfords for sale as a genuine variation even though he failed to include this variation in his 1970s collector guides - when questioned by ebayers that ebay seller decided to pull the auction for reasons we havent been told yet but the implication is that the description was seriously defective to end the auction. THE EBAY SELLER DID NOT CLAIM IT WAS FROM HIS PERSONAL COLLECTION
Re: 46b Pickfords 2 line in green.
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 7:24 pm
by numi
kwakers wrote:
......... his character. I am sure that Numi has bought from Bob, as well as many other silent members here such as George that were completely unaware of the legendary U.S. collector they were buying from. kwakers
Hi Kwakers,i did buy just one model from RWC-Toys.I cannot say for sure that my purchase dealings was directly with Mr Brennan himself.He,Mr Brennan as i later learned trades as RWC-Toys and Olddiecasttoys and with the exact same entity details with Paypal but which discloses no personal details of him (Mr Bob Brennan) as being the trader/owner,hence my statement above.
It was however one of my best purchases and experiences on Ebay and with appropriate feedback given.
Re: 46b Pickfords 2 line in green.
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:36 am
by kwakers
All Bob's sales are handled by himself personally Numi with no fanfare. There is no storefront and he has no employees or agents at work. I am glad you also had a very Positive experience with him and have shared it with us here.
I think you have just repeated the same Post as you did earlier today Mick, and in fact containing the same points as SCM covered in opening this topic. Antonin and others have replied to the timeline delay in the discovery and sharing of this variation. If anyone reads the earlier Posts, they can get that information.
I do believe you just called me a weasel for telling the truth Mick. If giving facts about a friend of mine, and fully supporting his honesty is being a weasel, your thinking is far more twisted than even I had thought possible. kwakers
Re: 46b Pickfords 2 line in green.
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 7:08 am
by Idris
I would remind all Forum members that name calling is unacceptable behaviour and can only lead to personal animosity. Even though, at times, emotions run high, can we please go the extra mile and make the effort to stick to reasoned argument?
Re: 46b Pickfords 2 line in green.
Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 9:47 am
by numi
kwakers wrote:I can't speak enough about Bob Brennen's honesty and his years of devotion to our Lesney Hobby. I have absolutely no reason to question the originality of anything Bob has EVER offered under RWC Toys, we have known each other since the late 1960s as fellow pen pals and Toy Show attendees. That being said, watch a couple of Items that may differ from today's codings, and check his pictures very carefully as mistakes and differences can sometimes be found. When you advertise hundreds of Toys out of a life-long collection, sometimes errors also occur.

Kwakers,ure right about errors on Mr Brennans part!
This item is advertised as Lesney,it resembles a Lesney but isn't. - Item: 191248858021 - ... 1436.l2649
Re: 46b Pickfords 2 line in green.
Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 10:17 am
by SMS88
numi wrote:kwakers wrote:I can't speak enough about Bob Brennen's honesty and his years of devotion to our Lesney Hobby. I have absolutely no reason to question the originality of anything Bob has EVER offered under RWC Toys, we have known each other since the late 1960s as fellow pen pals and Toy Show attendees. That being said, watch a couple of Items that may differ from today's codings, and check his pictures very carefully as mistakes and differences can sometimes be found. When you advertise hundreds of Toys out of a life-long collection, sometimes errors also occur.

Kwakers,ure right about errors on Mr Brennans part!
This item is advertised as Lesney,it resembles a Lesney but isn't. - Item: 191248858021 - ... 1436.l2649
Typical for 2014 - folks refusing to accept responsibility for their own actions - I wonder who is really responsible for all the listing errors in Bob´s auctions - ebay perhaps or maybe hackers LOL ???
to quote from the 1st paragraph of the description
Not responsible for listing errors. Always go by the picture in the detailed description section, if not sure or an error in version numbers etc. Not sure, do not order, always the safest bet. Ask a question and I will try to help resolve your concerns. DESCRIPTIONS & VARIATIONS ARE FROM Charlie Mack’s “MATCHBOX books or “NAMC” catalog......... ´´
Re: 46b Pickfords 2 line in green.
Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 10:31 am
by numi
I dont remember getting up this morning...

....but i now remember that im day off!
Re: 46b Pickfords 2 line in green.
Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:11 am
by Tinman
My comments about the person who started this thread still stand and I challenge them to come back and present solid evidence about their claims.
Since then, many assumptions have been made and a few want us to consider their assumptions as fact. There is one fact here: The two line green van has been challenged by several collectors over the years. However, no one has ever presented any proof that the model isn't real.
One well worn theory is that two line decals were sold off in the early 1980's and they found their way onto new old stock at the hand(s) of someone who was far less than honest. It's true, a bunch of left over decals dating back to the regular wheel years were sold off in the early 1980's. I've seen some of these decal sheets and they are highly collectible. But ... I don't remember ever seeing any two line Pickfords decals in those lots. Maybe there were some, and maybe their were none!
My second point; where are the mint fake two line Blue trucks? The two line blue models always sell for way more and are in high demand. Also, with the spread rivet, it's really simple to pop off the base an make a fake two line blue model out of GPW and SPW green trucks.
Some counter points: Guide listings; there are several model variations discovered late in life that didn't make it into early guides. None found play worn; same goes for the 2c Muir Hill dumpers ... they were discovered late and all (so far) are mint. It's possible that stocks of green two line Pickfords trucks were sold off after being discovered in the same way as the Muir Hill dumpers.
For all we know, the last lot of Muir Hill dumpers (with Muir Hill decals) were created by someone putting old (or reproduction) Kingsize decals on a bunch of new old stock. No one really knows the seller of that last lot which was discovered just under ten years ago. But, people jumped at a chance to pay big money for each and every one of them.
Another thing I want to mention is that decals do not age well. No matter how good they are, they become very brittle and difficult to use in just a few short years. At 20 years old, these decals are difficult to reassign. Even using new old stock decals isn't easy. There is a probability that some restoration film would have been applied to them to make the decals usable and that film could be detected by testing.
As for attacking a decent and honest person with a life long history in the hobby ... that is uncalled for and shameful. Simply because someone can't remember specific details about a model's history is no reason to attack a person or their honesty.
I had nearly eight thousand 1-75 models in my collection before I began to sell them off. I had reliable memory and/or records for about 15% of those models. Even some of my hard to find and more rare models were in the 85% group where I too would have to give the answer: "I have no idea." I guess that makes me an evil person too!
Besides, if (and that's a big "if ") someone took new old stock trucks and placed factory made two line decals on them 30 years ago, they have already achieved cult classic status similar to their ten year older cousins; the factory fake reverse color wreckers. To this day no one can claim the wreckers are more than "lunch box specials" that were smuggled out of the factory (and there are quite a few people who suspect just that).
The real facts known about two line decal green trucks are simply that they exist and no one has any proof that they are fakes or original factory assembled models. When people combine hearsay, rumor and folklore with assumptions all you have is an opinion. An opinion does not become fact until sustainable evidence is presented. While there is some circumstantial evidence pointing to doubt, the variation is still quite possibly genuine.