tractorboy wrote:
I agree, initially I thought it was a Charbens (or copy of) due to the many similar features.
I was going by what Dave (RSSierra) had put in his post about his Lincoln models (though he was unsure).
May have to categorise as
Yellow tractor in the style of Charbens but may be Lincoln 
I'll jump in here, having missed this thread somehow. I now own the green one Dave (rssierra) was enquiring about and this yellow one is now on its way to me (thanks Rodger - tractorboy). I have been unsuccessful in determining, with any certainty, who produced it despite corresponding with a close friend who is currently researching all known toy manufacturers in New Zealand and amassing quite a gallery of photos, scans of advertising, and official documentation from company records, the Patents Office, etc. He, so far, has not seen one like it by any of the NZ manufacturers.
As background let me say that Lincoln and Fun Ho! were both known to "take inspiration" from the models produced by other manufacturers around the world. This happened at a time when New Zealand had very strict import laws. One way these companies got around the restrictions was to either buy a toy when owners or staff were traveling overseas and then dismantle it and copy it (Fun Ho! are recorded as having done this with certain Arcade and Barclay items), or they leased dies from overseas and produced the toys locally, thus circumventing the restrictions. Lincoln favoured the latter approach and the most well known of these are the Micro Models, Jordan & Lewden River Series (, and (in)famous Lincoln Matchbox Series (which later became Lincoln Motorway Minis). See
my site for further information on the Lincoln NZ company.
I have recorded the items in my personal database as "Unknown - in the style of Charbens but possibly by Lincoln NZ".