...well, they made a few Rolls-Royce models. Their most well known Rolls-Royce must be the Silver Wraith. I have of course had to go out of my way to try and collect every possible variation.
First introduced in early 1959 and shown in Meccano Magazine with it's own full page advert with several new features like the fitting of suspension and glazing.
It proved to be a very popular model and stayed in production until 1964.
Some hard to find examples are those made in France from 1961, using UK components but with an amended baseplate to show country of manufacture...ASSEMBLEE EN FRANCE PAR and it had a different (#551), catalogue number than the UK model.
Another difficult version to find (cheaply!), is the very first issue from the first production batches. These have a different boot profile, a different rear number plate casting, different treatment of the area directly behind the rear bumper and different spacing between the rear lights.
Then the 'Transitional' issues with open baseplate rivets but with large brake drums instead of small brake drums.
and finally the elusive White tyred versions. These come with small and large brake drums (large drum version not even in my collection yet!).

The term elusive here is simply because to have one of these in this condition is down to luck more than judgement. I have looked for these on ebay and they all seem to be wrecks or well played with and the preciuos White tyres are crumbling with age or display flat spots through losing their integrity. My example has it's original tyres with only one rear starting to show it's age and looks like it may crumble if I tried to remove it!
It is a later casting so has the revised boot profile, open baseplate rivets and the small brake drums.
So Dinky, thank you for keeping me on my toes chasing all these variations...