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Re: 10c Foden Sugar Container Truck

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 8:24 am
by Diecast
GHOSTHUNTER wrote:I think what we are looking at is a mis registered decal. It consists of just Two colours with possily the Yellow being laid down first then they are run through the machine again to have the Red laid down. It seems as if the model on the right has a badly printed decal where the red is not in the same position as the decal on the other model.

It is the decal on the left model that looks evenly printed.

I agree with you, that this would be possible (the shift of the yellow undercoat relatively to the red text). But in this case, it was more an intention to move up the red text, because the lower location of the red text would interfere with the cut off.

Re: 10c Foden Sugar Container Truck

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 9:59 am
''the red text would interfere with the cut off''

...that is a very logical way around the problem. I wonder why they had to make the 'Cut Out' bigger, because it now makes the back of the model untidy because the decal now has more room for bad placement by the Lady operaters placing these decals on the models!!

Another quirky Lesney production tweak.


Re: 10c Foden Sugar Container Truck

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 11:13 pm
by fixer
The print overlap occurs on the side decal too