Matchbox Toys by Nick Jones

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Re: Matchbox Toys by Nick Jones

Post by tractorboy »

Well done Nick, it seemed ages ago that you first mentioned this and now the the moment has arrived.
Screenshot 2016-06-29 20.32.42.png
Screenshot 2016-06-29 20.32.42.png (18.67 KiB) Viewed 3477 times
Have sent PayPal payment Ref: VBD tractorboy MB Book

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Re: Matchbox Toys by Nick Jones

Post by numi »

Good news Mr Jones! Cant wait to get a signed copy from my Guru. :D

To all Forum members,this is just my thought.How about us adding 10% to the total to cover some of Mr Jones's fees.Its not a lot of money but this could help Mr Jones cover his time & effort,packaging materials,petrol,any Paypal fees etc just to get this book safely to yourselves.

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Re: Matchbox Toys by Nick Jones

Post by toysnz »

numi wrote:Good news Mr Jones! Cant wait to get a signed copy from my Guru. :D

To all Forum members,this is just my thought.How about us adding 10% to the total to cover some of Mr Jones's fees.Its not a lot of money but this could help Mr Jones cover his time & effort,packaging materials,petrol,any Paypal fees etc just to get this book safely to yourselves.
A good idea but I paid the Paypal fees at my end so Nick got the full value of the payment which covers a charge for shipping to my end of the world...

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Re: Matchbox Toys by Nick Jones

Post by ClOwY »

hi Nick.
Schoud i send post to Tollesbury or Clacton :?:
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Re: Matchbox Toys by Nick Jones

Post by nickjones »

Hi all.
Numi, Thanks for the kind thought but paying an extra 10% is really unnecessary. Just getting the buyers to pay in the correct currency would be a great help.
Pete and Gary, if you want to pay by postal order or cash that's fine, send to.
Nick Jones
2 Estuary crescent
Clacton on sea
Nick Jones.
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Re: Matchbox Toys by Nick Jones

Post by motorman »

nickjones wrote:Hi all.
Numi, Thanks for the kind thought but paying an extra 10% is really unnecessary. Just getting the buyers to pay in the correct currency would be a great help.
Pete and Gary, if you want to pay by postal order or cash that's fine, send to.
Nick Jones
2 Estuary crescent
Clacton on sea
A boat with a post code? :? :?

How does the posty get your mail to you Nick, by water taxi? :lol: :lol:

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Re: Matchbox Toys by Nick Jones

Post by nickjones »

motorman wrote:
A boat with a post code? :? :?

How does the posty get your mail to you Nick, by water taxi? :lol: :lol:
I collect my mail from the marina office which is not very secure so that's why anything of value gets sent to mums place in Clacton.
But I'm moving again very soon, only about 100 metres away from where I am now but the berth is much easier to get in & out of. The first time I tried to enter this berth I got a rope around my propeller, the second time was OK but the third time I ran aground on a mudbank and had to wait three hours for the tide to fall before I could get off the boat. Then wade through mud to reach the shore carrying various pieces of rope etc. Spent nine hours in muddy clothing before the next high tide lifted the boat high enough to enable me to pull it off of the mudbank, the high tide was at 10.45pm so I had to do it in the dark, fortunately there was no wind that night or I could have got into real trouble.
Nick Jones.
In sunny Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, UK
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Re: Matchbox Toys by Nick Jones

Post by motorman »

nickjones wrote:
motorman wrote:
A boat with a post code? :? :?

How does the posty get your mail to you Nick, by water taxi? :lol: :lol:
I collect my mail from the marina office which is not very secure so that's why anything of value gets sent to mums place in Clacton.
But I'm moving again very soon, only about 100 metres away from where I am now but the berth is much easier to get in & out of. The first time I tried to enter this berth I got a rope around my propeller, the second time was OK but the third time I ran aground on a mudbank and had to wait three hours for the tide to fall before I could get off the boat. Then wade through mud to reach the shore carrying various pieces of rope etc. Spent nine hours in muddy clothing before the next high tide lifted the boat high enough to enable me to pull it off of the mudbank, the high tide was at 10.45pm so I had to do it in the dark, fortunately there was no wind that night or I could have got into real trouble.
Sounds dangerous Nick and you with dodgy knees 'n' all!!!

I recon you were out of your depth!............get it, out of your depth!!!......ha ha ha ha...ha ha ha ...ha ha ...ha...ok I will shut up now.

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Re: Matchbox Toys by Nick Jones


...and we thought the Titanic had a few problems... :shock:

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Re: Matchbox Toys by Nick Jones

Post by nickjones »

motorman wrote:
Sounds dangerous Nick and you with dodgy knees 'n' all!!!

I recon you were out of your depth!............get it, out of your depth!!!......ha ha ha ha...ha ha ha ...ha ha ...ha...ok I will shut up now.
Actually I cut the story a bit short, I threw a line off of the back of the boat onto dry land, then I carried another to shore, I secured the line to the front of the boat and then made my way out to secure the rear line.
That being done I only had to wait for the tide to come in.
What I did not realise was the line going to the back of the boat was tied to a stake on what was now an island, so I was knee deep in the briny. I was lucky as the boat came off of the mudbank with very little effort on my part.
But if the wind had been blowing I would have no control of the boat, I could not have got onboard and I had nowhere else to sleep that night, it might be summer but I was wearing jeans and tee shirt, muddy ones too...
Nick Jones.
In sunny Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, UK