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Re: Open Letter to Non-Posters

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:32 am
by mrmoko
I have noticed that some posts dont get many / no replies while others get a huge amount of replies . Maybe the topic is boring or of no interest to other collectors .

Re: Open Letter to Non-Posters

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 10:42 am
by Ecclesley
GHOSTHUNTER wrote:On behalf of all Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow owners on this forum (3 of us!), permission granted.

Provided application form 3415 sub. c3 is submitted in sevenfold.

On a serious note, I can say I like it here. Simply because I like British Diecast, which makes this an interesting place for me.
There is so much knowledge and stuff to share, it has opened my eyes much further on (for instance) the subject of regular wheels Matchbox.
So non posters, do not shy away from VBD, but enjoy and contribute.

Re: Open Letter to Non-Posters

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 8:44 pm
by Viewfield
Ecclesley wrote: So non posters, do not shy away from VBD, but enjoy and contribute.
This is quite easy to say but what?


Re: Open Letter to Non-Posters

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:04 pm
by Viewfield
In addition to the above post, what would you regular poster like me that just read and browse post?
Perhaps if you stopped complaining ( that's a bit hard but couldn't find another word) that not enough members post you indicate what we should post. What does " beginners post " mean? Do you want us to post pictures of standard models or would you prefer that we tell you where we acquired said model.
Complaining that not enough members post without indicating what you expect or require will not bring many results.
Starting a thread for beginners stating that here questions may be posted, what questions does a beginner have? I consider myself a beginner when it concerns 1:75's. What should I ask ? I'm a beginner, what do I know! Only by reading posts of experience members will I gain the knowledge to post questions. I do not know if a model should have crimped or any other sort of axle ends, remember I am a beginner.

I read and learn, I gain experience from the post of others. Sorry but until I gain an iota of knowledge will I feel confident enough to post. Until then I would ask that the regular poster do not condemn those that only read and browse.


Re: Open Letter to Non-Poster

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:27 pm
by motorman
Viewfield wrote: Iread and learn, I gain experience from the post of others. Sorry but until I gain an iota of knowledge will I feel confident enough to post. Until then I would ask that the regular poster do not condemn those that only read and browse.

Rod, firstly no one is condemning anybody, I am not sure where you got that impression. We are simply trying to make a great forum even better by encouraging lurkers and members who have never posted before to be confident to do so without expecting to be criticised. You also commented that you read posts commenting on areas that you have little knowledge of and that you would not post until you had built up that knowledge, in fact you said that you wouldn't know if a model should have a crimped or other type of axle end........surely one way to find out would be to ask that very question in a post?

The main thing is that we as a contributing membership would not be taking a responsible approach to the forum if we did not encourage others to take part. It is a very enjoyable place to be and great long lasting friendships can and have been made and that should not be discouraged. Many forums have become stagnant due to the same posters adding their tuppence every week, it can be a breath of fresh air when a new member makes a comment or asks a question, and that can breath life into a forum. Imho

Re: Open Letter to Non-Posters

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:32 pm
Thank's Rod for coming in here and airing your views. The 'Beginners Corner' title does have limitations and it has been questioned among Two regular members as to it's meaning and maybe it needs changing and your comments above have been very helpful in this respect and it is a good example of members helping to fine tune aspects of the forum.

It was felt members were reluctant to post to the forum because of the perceived Matchbox heavy content and a knowledge base with several members having high levels of knowledge, we think many members are reluctant to ask questions about their hobby assuming the so called "experts" won't want to hear their questions thinking it is silly and it must have been asked many times before.

Your example of crimped axle-ends is a good one, the forum has not set out to educate any member about them and information regards axle-ends comes out of comments made by members in relation to their specific models, so maybe we should have a technical section, highlighting items such as axle-ends, baseplate fixing and the types of wheels used etc. etc.

As I mentioned elsewhere on the forum, many members come directly to the forum without visiting the actual website Nick has put a lot of work into and axle-end information may well be explained there.

So, now you have raised the Beginners Corner as being a bit of a mystery, what can it be renaimed as, your ideas are valued.


Re: Open Letter to Non-Posters

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 10:05 pm
by Viewfield
I appreciate your comments Motormann and Ghostie.
Perhaps " condemn" was the wrong word, written in haste!

I just think that it should be appreciated that many members are not up to speed with all the technicalities that are involved in collecting. I collected "Models of Yesteryear" for many years and consider myself quite an expert until I joined "Moyboyz". There I learnt a lot and it also showed me how limited my knowledge of "MOY's" was!
Here I want to learn more about the the 1:75 and Superfast range. I also have a personal interest in "Dinky's" having, regrettable, sold quite an extensive collection recently.
I just find that it quite uncomfortable to be reminded that I only read and do not post!
I have found that I normally have nothing to add to the post, regardless of content. I find them all informative and educational.
I would just ask that the regular posters to bear this in mind, you are appreciated and who knows perhaps in the future I will feel confident enough to answer ( or question) your posts.


Re: Open Letter to Non-Posters

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 10:52 pm
by zBret
GHOSTHUNTER wrote: So, now you have raised the Beginners Corner as being a bit of a mystery, what can it be renaimed as, your ideas are valued. Ghosthunter.
I must say that I find the title, "Open letter to all Non-Posters" somewhat disenchanting. It sounds like a grievance-as if there is something wrong with not making a post. I don't believe that was the intent, but then again labeling anyone who reads the forum and chooses not to post, as a non-poster or lurker, probably isn't the best way to go about encouraging them to do so, should they wish too. I don't really care for the title "Beginners Corner" either, it seems condescending. Perhaps "Newbie" or "New to the Forum" would be better and more inviting.

The very first heading anyone coming to the forum see's now is, "Open letter to all Non-Posters" I don't think that title makes for much of a "Welcome Mat". Somewhere we used to have a thread called, "Welcome to the VBD Forum" perhaps that should be the first thing someone should see when coming here, along with some encouraging messages inviting them to participate, to share, and to enjoy the forum, no matter what their level of interest.

There are many fine people here, some with a great wealth knowledge with regard to diecasts; others such as myself with not so much, but who have a great appreciation for those that do and for the knowledge they share and contributions that they make (that is how we learn) and there is probably a good range in between as well. Bottom line is we are all enthusiastic about diecasts, otherwise we wouldn't be here in the first place. So instead of creating divisions with labels, how about finding some more ways of coming together, sharing participating and enjoying this wonderful hobby of ours.

There is an old saying that goes "if it ain't broke don't fix it". The success of this forum can be measured both by the content within and the number of visitors it has, both of which, appear to be outstanding!


Re: Open Letter to Non-Posters

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 10:59 pm
by daz28
Its not just a problem with this forum but all forums. Mobile phones and fast living.
A forum is not just about asking questions, I had lots to ask but a quick search of the boards gave me the answers.
If someone takes the time and trouble to show what they have brought, restored,made or even stolen. then a quick reply to appreciate the work will give them a boost & encourage them to do more. thus providing more things to view. you don't need to comment on every post but a post now and then will keep the forum alive for when you do need to ask a question :) .
I have seen quite a few forums die because the same few people talked to themselves. Its hard work for the admin/mods and regulars to keep boards running, so a little help goes a long way.
I think its a great friendly forum :D .

Re: Open Letter to Non-Posters

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 1:56 am
by brainstrust
Wow, it's like that white and gold dress, people see the same words but take them in so very differently!

I luv those posts that just say "nice model", "good job" or whatever. We post things for comment and it's nice when people actually take a few seconds out of their life to respond. It's an acknowledgement to each other, maybe even common courtesy. Surely every post doesn't need to contain words of wisdom! :ugeek: