Morris Marina Launch Model

Corgi & Husky toys by Mettoy
Posts: 12249
Joined: Sun Sep 15, 2013 4:12 pm

Re: Morris Marina Launch Model


I have tried to get a picture of the wheel mould number, just as we do on the Matchbox 'Superfast' wheels. The model chosen was available from 1970-72, and on this particular wheel the number 15 is moulded.

My wheel photography expert was not available to do this for me (are you reading this Olivier!), and the Two pictures below were taken in overcast conditions (yes, it was in the UK!!) so are not ideal.
1970-72 issue.JPG
1970-72 issue.JPG (87.41 KiB) Viewed 832 times
There is a number 15 inside the rim.
'WHIZZWHEELS' #280.JPG (65.13 KiB) Viewed 832 times
This is the model I chose from 1970-72.

I believe the Morris Marina was introduced into the range in May 1971, the Rolls-Royce in the colour scheme shown here was introduced in September 1970, the actual example pictured above showing us it's wheel mould number, is from late 1972, so if there are no numbers on the Marina's wheels, from a normal production run, remains a mystery to me!

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Re: Morris Marina Launch Model

Post by Fred7A »

Thanks for the pictures, Ghosthunter. There are some marks on the insides of the week, but they are very faint and hard for me to make out. The numbers which I can see on the Blaze car look like 8 and 9. If this is another set of variations to look out for I think I'll give it a miss! :D
Posts: 12249
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Re: Morris Marina Launch Model


OK Fred, glad you have found some numbers, confirms we are not both going mad... :D

Using normal logic, the single numbers you mention do indicate early production, but I don't think this is an avenue we will be going down, the dating of Corgi toys seems not to be as important to collectors as the Matchbox ranges (unlike myself who desperately needs to know all this stuff...), so suffice to say your model is a nice catch and thank's for bringing it to the forum.

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Re: Morris Marina Launch Model

Post by Bernie »

Ghosthunter -

Do you have any threads that outline how to date Corgi, Dinky or other 1:43 range models? The above tidbit is interesting but I don't deal in post 1970 British diecast and don't think I have never seen a Whizz Wheel without a red hub. There are some obvious differences such as suspension, motors and Golden Jacks but I know of know way to differentiate a specific production run. The only differences I've noted have been in the #270 Bond Aston Martin. For example a car like the #320 Ford Mustang was available in at least four different colors but I would guess that only two were available at any given time. Another example is the #9041 Silver Ghost that had jewelled headlights but the re-release does not. I'm just curious, as I generally pay no attention to variations and errors.
Posts: 12249
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Re: Morris Marina Launch Model


Hello Bernie.

I personally do not have any threads here on the forum describing how to date the models you mention, not because the information does not exist, simply because there is very little interest in it.

Through my own collecting interest of Corgi, Dinky and Matchbox Rolls-Royce models, I have gone out of my way to get this information for my own benefit, I wanted to know when these models were introduced and I wanted to know when the certain variations and casting changes were made to these models.

I will freely put this information on the forum when it is needed to help with a posting such as you have read above, but until there are specific threads on the Corgi, Dinky and Matchbox Rolls-Royce models, it does not appear to be that important.

I can tell you when certain Rolls-Royce models were introduced, but I can not do this for all Corgi, Dinky or Matchbox models in general, to the same degree of accuracy and this is where the forum is so essential as other members can come forward and help.

If I do know when General toys and models were introduced, I do put this on the forum in the various topics within the threads and much information from my own listings and records have been posted already and I hope have been helpful to other forum members so far.

You can gain information from the internet, but you can not rely on this as fact, because often the information is misunderstood and you get conflicting information. A lot of this information it taken form the established reference books which on their own are not always correct, like a certain Matchbox book and a certain Corgi book, huge stand alone works of information, but with several mistakes, so you must cross check and cross referance this information yourself with other sources of information.

Having a large collection certainly helps with research and towards the dating of models and specific details, magazines with adverts for the models is a good source of dating models.

I can not tell you how to date certain Corgi, Dinky or Matchbox models here, because it is something you pick up while being involved in your own hobby, but during a post it will be possible to explain why I consider a certain model has a specific date and reason behind that date, but it does come down to researching your own subject and keep researching it over and over again and eventually you will get the information you require, but asking forum members first is certainly a good start!

For some good information on Rolls-Royce and Bentley models, click on the site at the bottom of this post.

Wow! well done if you have read all that, you now deserve a cup of Tea!!

Posts: 58
Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2015 2:54 am

Re: Morris Marina Launch Model

Post by Bernie »

GHOSTHUNTER wrote:Wow! well done if you have read all that, you now deserve a cup of Tea!!
Not only read it, I went to the website and read the write-ups on the various Corgi, Dinky & Matchbox Rolls Royces/Bentleys I own. Nothing for the Matchbox Silver Shadow? No Corgi Phantom III, Dinky Continental or Rextoy? You are spending too much time here on the forum answering my questions. You must get back to what you know best!

I assume that the variations on the Matchbox Silver Cloud are too plentiful to list because you didn't cover the black-wheel lavender version I own.
Posts: 12249
Joined: Sun Sep 15, 2013 4:12 pm

Re: Morris Marina Launch Model


Thank's Bernie for visiting my little website.

I will be adding all the Corgi, Dinky and Matchbox models in due course and it is because there are so many variations that need indexing then photographing, that is holding up their inclusion and yes, I am spending far too much time here on the forum, but I like it here... :D
