Regular Wheel Model Scales List

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Re: Regular Wheel Model Scales List

Post by cody6268 »


I've been planning a train layout (haven't got around to building it!), and I want to use a few of my Lesneys on it. This list will come in handy, depending on what scale I choose, which I'm stuck between HO (have a few locomotives in that scale that are in need of repair) and N (compact, but not so small that I need a magnifying glass to work on them like Z!)

No. 29 you could technically call an American LaFrance, as Hahn was bought out by them in 1991, when they were located here in Bluefield, VA. Based on an old Mack fire apparatus brochure with a Mack C for Denver, after years of thinking it's a Hahn, I'm more inclined to say it's a Mack C.

Based on those scales, I noticed a common pattern. They tried to stay close to the popular railroading scales of OO, HO, TT, and N.
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Re: Regular Wheel Model Scales List

Post by SMS88 »

Image1960s Hahn pumper used as partybus in 2015! by sms88aec, on Flickr[/img]
Image1960s Hahn pumper used as partybus in 2015! by sms88aec, on Flickr
I suspect this example escaped USA for Denmark because its initial importer liked the Lesney .....
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Re: Regular Wheel Model Scales List

Post by radar »

Nice work on the number crunching and scale listings.

A Lambretta as big as a Routemaster.

Cement mixer 5 times oversized in relation to same 5a bus - should try n take scale photograph with double decker in background so model sizes look proportionate.
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Re: Regular Wheel Model Scales List

Post by ChFalkensteiner »

Idris wrote:What is the source of the information? The reason I ask is that although scales were sometimes given in catalogues (but not in the US I think - something to do with a difference in the import tariffs on toys and models), Lesney had a habit of changing some of them every year.
The scales have indeed been taken from the pocket catalogues. Usually changes between the catalogue entries were only made if an error was corrected in a later edition. Apart from that, in case of conflicting entries the one which seemed more accurate would have been picked.