I did it again and found a second one in better condition.
Same casting features!

I hope you will get over this Ghosty, I therefore was waiting a bit with my current post (naaah, I'am just kidding!to tease us less fortunate collectors and something you don't want to see is a grown Man cry
Yep there is a funny fact on this one! You may remember that a small part of the rear axle holder from the tractor from my first green lowloader was broken off. Well, on my second one, the same damage appears, but at the trailer axle!is there nothing wrong with it
The fact that the clips have failed in the same way at the same point is more likely indicative of a faulty design which resulted in stress concentration in the same part of the moulding, leading to repeat, identical failures. Weak mouldings caused by recycling plastic (which would not be an issue provided different types of plastic were not mixed) would surely result in random patterns of failure.GHOSTHUNTER wrote:Interesting point about those axle clips. The fact you now have Two, may suggest there is a weak point on those caused by poor plasitc mix at the factory...