51c AEC 8 whell tipper ?

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Re: 51c AEC 8 whell tipper ?

Post by AJR »

Still need to add the decals to mine .... and tidy the wheels up a bit.
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Re: 51c AEC 8 whell tipper ?

Post by fixer »

Tinman wrote:
AJR wrote:The earlier Hoveringham Foden looks to have the same body as this later AEC but when I decided to do my own code 3 Hoveringham AEC, I found that the earlier body doesn't fit. It isn't far out but it is completely different.
Yes, they are pretty much the same size but completly different. Still, where there is a will there is a way:

they also work the other way round
this turned up in a job lot ages ago , just found it in my beater box
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