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Re: Recent additions

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 8:35 pm
by nearlymint
numi wrote:
nearlymint wrote:Car boot and a fair today, spent just over £10.00 for this lot. There are a couple of nice ones for my collection , one is a real gem for me .
Yesteryears are near mint and at 50p each I just had to have them. Some I had to just pick as it was 3 for 50p.
These sellers must have gone home smiling & thinking that they caught a nice fish here...... :lol:
Whats the gem ure talking about Jason,can hardly wait to hear.
Really nice models here...
Blue-windowed Flying Bug?

Yes the blue window was nice on the flying bug and the amber glass stretcha.
Spot the difference on the picture, 2 slight alterations. J

Re: Recent additions

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 9:16 pm
by Idris
Sambron with tampo and speedboat with brown base. Very nice indeed! (For someone who said in January that he was going to be taking it easy this year as far as collecting went, you still seem to be going great guns.)

Re: Recent additions

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 9:29 pm
by nearlymint
Idris wrote:Sambron with tampo and speedboat with brown base. Very nice indeed! (For someone who said in January that he was going to be taking it easy this year as far as collecting went, you still seem to be going great guns.)
Just so many keep coming along I cannot resist them, my excuse for this lot was my dad wanted a few ours out :D

Sambron I was so happy when I turned the model around I nearly shouted out, brown base speedboat had the other colour driver which I needed so also very happy with that one.
Altogether a very happy saturday hunting. J

Re: Recent additions

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 9:39 am
by Taniwha
Very nice. I miss the British car boots. They are few and far between here in NZ and most are not worth the effort. I've only found one annual event that is worth attending. One a year. :(

Very jealous of the amber glass stretcha, blue window bug and most of all the Sambron. I have only the brown base Seafire of those mentioned above. Funnily enough, it was 50p at a car boot in London. Sigh!


Re: Recent additions

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 8:30 pm
by nearlymint
These 2 just added to the collection, both in superb condition. The 50a Commer pick up in red/white I am very pleased with and the Fandango was a nice bargain. J

Re: Recent additions

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 11:27 pm
by nickjones
That commer is a peach, great additions Jason.

Re: Recent additions

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 11:31 pm
by motorman
That 50a looks stunning. Nice one.

Re: Recent additions

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 10:23 am
by nearlymint
Thanks Nick an MM, I must admit its one I thought I would never get in this condition. J

Re: Recent additions

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 10:35 am
by johnboy
Love the pick-up Jason, what a brilliant addition. Is the Fandango hard to get with those windows and the prop in blue?

Re: Recent additions

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 11:39 am
by nearlymint
johnboy wrote:Love the pick-up Jason, what a brilliant addition. Is the Fandango hard to get with those windows and the prop in blue?
The purple windows are not to hard to get, just the model was quite cheap and I could not resist it and as it turned out it was one I had overlooked and did
not have at all. Still learning a bit myself on these later ones John , its just nice to get mint ones instead of my normal chipped ones.J