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Re: Another 'Spot the Gem' !!!!

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 10:00 pm
by nearlymint
Great find Ewan, and excellent spotting. J

Re: Another 'Spot the Gem' !!!!

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 10:05 pm
Ewan wrote:Right, grabbed a couple of seconds for a quick photo - my first pre-pro :D
DSCN6951 (450x337).jpg
SCORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,Well done ewan,you never forget your first pre pro,treasure it well :D
Also i would post it on the sf furum,they may know more about it

Re: Another 'Spot the Gem' !!!!

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 10:41 pm
by motorman
Congrats of the unfinished date Ewan. I am still looking for my wild prepro!!! :(

Re: Another 'Spot the Gem' !!!!

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 10:48 pm
by Ewan
Thanks guys - a very lucky find indeed :D
I'll get some better photos up onto the SF forum in the next day or two (I successfully avoided peat cutting today, not sure if I can pull it off twice in a row :roll: :roll: :roll: )

The 13d booms are normal enough, it's probably the heavy paintloss and photography making them look thin.
Finally, I don't know if anyone is into collecting Magirus crane variations, but this one looks to be an early example with smooth baseplate, tank strap and all the open bits on the crane. Give me a shout if you're interested.

Re: Another 'Spot the Gem' !!!!

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 11:51 pm
by nickjones
Great score Ewan, I bet you are still smiling about finding this one.

Re: Another 'Spot the Gem' !!!!

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 10:46 am
by johnboy
Well done Ewan, let's hope it's the first of many!

Re: Another 'Spot the Gem' !!!!

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 4:21 pm
by RacingFreak
You did well Ewan! Wish you luck finding even more pre-pro's ;)

Re: Another 'Spot the Gem' !!!!

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 7:52 pm
by Ewan
As predicted last night I was unable to avoid the peat cutting today :cry: but at least it's way too early for midges.
This meant no photos (fingers crossed for tomorrow) but I did have time to clean them all up - the dump trucks in particular seemed to have been used in a junior earth moving job - thankfully not a quarry though!
This seems to be one of those lots that just keeps giving, not only is the Cat an 18b, but it is one of the ones with a lighter coloured blade. Looking at the site I see this was reported by a couple of members on the old forum back in 2010 - would anyone like pictures posting in the RW thread here or would that just be duplicating the site too much?

Re: Another 'Spot the Gem' !!!!

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 9:20 pm
by nickjones
You can post pictures of it if you want, I have one myself but never bothered to photograph it.
Now, try and find a two tone 6c euclid, I got one, it changes colour depending on the time of day, in the daylight it looks one colour, and at night its clearly two tone!.

Re: Another 'Spot the Gem' !!!!

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 9:22 pm
by motorman
I say go for it mate!