Would you kill a toy for it's parts?

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Re: Would you kill a toy for it's parts?

Post by RacingFreak »

motorman wrote: Joe, if you are interested i have several hundred tons of crushed to pulp Hungarian/Bulgarian abominations that i would like to make a tidy profit on :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hi Motorman, if Joe doesnt want them, I will gladly take them then :mrgreen:

Anyway, yes, I have "killed" many Super GT and Superfast Ford Capris, thus realizing a very crazy idea of mine (it eventually worked!), also few hopeless Rover 3500's that were cleaned up and now left as spares reserve, aswell as few Made in Bulgaria models, including a hopeless Cortina (no doors and the interior has broken steering wheel) and a Miura that was already taken apart and crappily restored by its previous owner (base itself split on half in my hands LOL), however this left me with 2 more wheel sets, black interior and body complete with two doors. I was fortunate enough to pick these up for almost no money, and I personally consider the black interior pieces very unique and valuable.

I wouldn't say this killing a toy, it really depends though, you cant do this to a mint model!! ;)
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Re: Would you kill a toy for it's parts?

Post by kwakers »

I tend to have kept the trackless 18 Bulldozers as-is until I can upgrade them. If you don't feel a model is worth the price of new tracks, simply view it as a 'filler' until you find another like it. I do have a couple of near mint tough SPR 18D variations that deserve reproduction tracks. I will probably one day try using Tinman's method of splitting and gluing replacement tracks on the untampered-with trackless model. The versions with hard brittle tracks are kept as-is unless they fall off the model in pieces. It is my feeling that to tamper with the axle to install new tracks on these Bulldozers damages the value of the toy for me.
I see no problem with using like components from a donor toy to upgrade a variation. This is simply common sense, and in most cases the donor is not 'killed', it is still a more common variation that another Lesney collector will take pride in having in their collection. kwakers