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Re: 41a variation code 1

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 8:39 pm
by Idris
I think there is now sufficient evidence for Code 1 to be split into a version without and a version with decals.

Re: 41a variation code 1

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 9:00 pm
by ChFalkensteiner
Idris wrote:I think there is now sufficient evidence for Code 1 to be split into a version without and a version with decals.
I have some doubts about this, for the two examples shown here are in bad condition, and those decals come off very easily. So I think both of them may have had decals fitted originally.

It seems improbable to me that the Jaguar D Type was ever intended to be issued without decals on purpose.

Re: 41a variation code 1

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:42 am
by kwakers
That is a very tough call Christian for the following reason: We know that even pre-production color models were shipped in limited numbers to large distributors as a 'selling tool'. If final colors had not even been decided on some of these known Lesney pre-pros yet, a new model in 1957 like the Jaguar may have been easily shipped without it's decals. The fact that the racers were designed without the decal circles tends to make me believe these were a pre-production casting. In 1958 we know that a limited quantity of pre-production red #45 Vauxhalls were shipped to Europe, why not these non-decalled racers a year earlier? We also know that Fred Bronner had a red pre-pro Aston Martin in his new display pictured in 1958, none seem to have survived. We now have 2 early pre-pro Jaguar castings without decals that have survived, I cannot rule out the fact that they may have been issued that way. I think Nick's plea for more information is very accurate right now, but I like Idris' first and second code for non and then decaled versions of this early casting. It is not scientific at all, but after 56 years it may be hard to prove the non decaled version was never shipped to distributors that way so long ago, so is most accurate. It is still a bit early to rule out Mint ones still turning up either way today........kwakers

Re: 41a variation code 1

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 2:24 pm
by nearlymint
Very nice model Hugh and a great find, never even knew about this one. Some interesting info and one I shall keep an eye out for.
Would say it must be a lot easier to see without decals, I have checked all my ones and all have guides.

Re: 41a variation code 1

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 8:15 am
by Idris
As I said previously, I do wonder whether this is more an overlooked, scarce variation rather than a rarity and my idea seems to be backed up by the fact that one has just sold on Ebay here. These are the photographs culled from the listing:

Re: 41a variation code 1

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 10:02 pm
by nickjones
I have been looking for this vari since 2007 when I found out it existed, this is the first one I have seen so someone got a bargain, I can't help thinking it would have sold for a great deal more had he mentioned it had no decal guides.

Re: 41a variation code 1

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 5:18 am
by kwakers
If you follow the single bid on it Nick, it had a low starting bid, but the Buyer hit the Buy It Now for 20 Pounds! The Seller got what he hoped for on it, and we are all left crying. This will give me nightmares tonight Idris, #@*% :(
So this is now a third one sold without any trace of decals. Code one will be earned with how many known?

Re: 41a variation code 1

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 8:05 am
by Idris
It was originally listed as a nine day auction, but turned into a BiN after five days. (Draw your own conclusions.)

Re: 41a variation code 1

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 8:42 am
by nearlymint
Idris wrote:It was originally listed as a nine day auction, but turned into a BiN after five days. (Draw your own conclusions.)
Thanks for spoiling my surprise Hugh, was going to
Add it on to the thread once it arrives but yet again you
Beat me to it. J

Re: 41a variation code 1

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 9:03 am
by Idris
nearlymint wrote:Thanks for spoiling my surprise Hugh, was going to
Add it on to the thread once it arrives but yet again you
Beat me to it. J
At least it's gone to a good home.