Basically its an empty box with just a few pieces in,its the age of this that surprised meIdris wrote:The Primus Engineering set in photograph no. 1 could be interesting. How complete is it?

Basically its an empty box with just a few pieces in,its the age of this that surprised meIdris wrote:The Primus Engineering set in photograph no. 1 could be interesting. How complete is it?
1913 - mid-1920s (reported dates vary). There's a very good article on Primus Engineering in one of the Modellers' World magazines but, because there's no index, I can't put my finger on it right now.MOKOSEX wrote:Basically its an empty box with just a few pieces in,its the age of this that surprised meIdris wrote:The Primus Engineering set in photograph no. 1 could be interesting. How complete is it?,could be late 1920,s
Modellers' World vol. 11, no. 4 identifies the LOLO model as a 1934 Ford V8, but Model Auto review plumps for 1935 ( ... 1935-cars/).misterpop wrote:So 1935 Ford?-Diecast
Could you please give me an idea of size? (Is there another thread somewhere with more photographs of this model?)misterpop pieces...
Thinking about it, some of that Meccano might actually be Primus. (The latter is thicker and has larger diameter holes.)MOKOSEX wrote:Basically its an empty box with just a few pieces in,its the age of this that surprised meIdris wrote:The Primus Engineering set in photograph no. 1 could be interesting. How complete is it?,could be late 1920,s
I think the over spray was the painters idea to jazz up the models,i have seen it on three types of models from this era,the mystery car,the"land speed car" and the first morestone.I know what you mean about the corgis,there were three models i can think of with overspary,the later mercedes bus ,the earlier duplo coach,both were to simulate fire damage,they also splashed a merecedes with paint on the bonnet for a bond car,these corgi had a specific reason so although similar ,i think they are for different reasons.misterpop wrote:Thank you mokosex for those amazing pics.....The mystery just got a whole lot weirder as I have just noticed now the car has what can only discribed as over spray on the front and back.Notice the green car in picture 2 and 4 with black..The yellow one has red over spray..This is not a case of very careless restorer surely[Dont get me wronge,I am not suggesting those are repaints just bystanders at a respray party]..[but I'm not suggesting that???You know what I mean]..I remember a Corgi junior bus with similar marks that represented fire damage.....So whats all this about then?