That i know only to well as a trader.Diecastmolester toy fairs this year.
Can't find new Matchboxes
Re: Can't find new Matchboxes
Re: Can't find new Matchboxes
And me as a traderand restorer..Having to finish off half completed restos and customs to find something to sell.Oh well at least its making a bit more space for when they reopen and we olduns can walk safely round the stalls wearing our full body space suites....Now theres an opening.leonty24 wrote:That i know only to well as a trader.Diecastmolester toy fairs this year.

Heres the man with the bargains.Always open to offers from this sites members.. ... m=&_ipg=25
- David Tilley
- Posts: 94
- Joined: Mon Sep 16, 2013 9:00 pm
Re: Can't find new Matchboxes
I have always felt that Matchbox was just there when Mattel took over. Mattel went into a deal to buy out Tyco to become an even larger company. The fact that Matchbox was one of the brands in the Tyco portfolio was just one of those things. They did not really know what to do with it until the turn of the century when they came up with a way to split what was essentially 2 of the same type of toy up. But the main problem was that they already had their own brand which, because they were already a bigger brand coming from a bigger company, and automatically gave them a slot to put them into markets they weren't as big in before. Matchbox has been playing catch up ever since.leonty24 wrote:When Mattel purchased Matchbox i think that they then hoped that having control they would
be able to control who bought which product by making Matchbox less easier to come by hence
you cannot find Matchbox so easily.
You can find at toyfairs traders selling tables full of recently released Hot Wheels but not Matchbox why ?

Re: Can't find new Matchboxes
Scalpers stripping shelves of new releases and hording HWs for resale is a phenom that is big with the HW crowd (and much less so with other brands). If you are looking for a Matchbox release that you can't find in the wild, chances are the online seller is first and foremost a HW scalper, reseller and collector (who dabbles in MB).leonty24 wrote:You can find at toyfairs traders selling tables full of recently released Hot Wheels but not Matchbox why ?
Among HW collectors I know, their biggest thrill (besides finding old Redlines in good condition) is establishing a relationship with toy department people so they can be present when each new case is cracked open and they are allowed to have first pick from the case. Their dedication to scalping is something I have a hard time understanding. It's almost like some sort of peer currency or a type of highly valued street cred(it). The more models they have scalped off the shelves (of the latest hot item of the day), the more "Street Cred" they have among their peers. At least they are the ones most talked about (within their circles) and sometimes others seem jealous enough that it breeds dislike and contempt for the guys who always get there first (by "get there first" I mean scalp the shelves clean first).
It might be time to start my "Bucket List."
Re: Can't find new Matchboxes
I think that when Mattel in 1968 produced Hot Wheels they were fully aware of the volume of models that Matchbox were selling at that time
and wanted a share if not more of the market with the new wheels. They had not thought that Matchbox would come back with their own new
Superfast wheels Mattel then continued to monitor the continued popularity of Matchbox until there came a time to become owners of the name.
So why is Matchbox only being sold through Tescos and not readly available at many other outlets ?
and wanted a share if not more of the market with the new wheels. They had not thought that Matchbox would come back with their own new
Superfast wheels Mattel then continued to monitor the continued popularity of Matchbox until there came a time to become owners of the name.
So why is Matchbox only being sold through Tescos and not readly available at many other outlets ?
- Diecastmolester
- Posts: 421
- Joined: Mon Oct 23, 2017 6:13 pm
- Location: Stockport, England
Re: Can't find new Matchboxes
leonty24 wrote:Diecastmolester toy fairs this year.
That i know only to well as a trader.
misterpop wrote: And me as a trader and restorer..Having to finish off half completed restos and customs to find something to sell. Oh well at least its making a bit more space for when they reopen and we olduns can walk safely round the stalls wearing our full body space suites....Now theres an opening.
If I interpret the latest update on their website correctly, the Barry Stockton fairs will never return.
When and even whether others will resume is in the stars as well.
Have you traders established alternative sales channels?
And do you by any chance know how other traders cope with it?
Cowydd O'Lochdown-Bragsitt
Re: Can't find new Matchboxes
If Barry packs up I will be gutted as it was at his fairs that I started off trading.It was the coming of the internet that helped me keep going as I was going downhill with heart problems and could work from home easily.But his fairs then became my hunting ground for stock to see me through the next 16 years..Yes as I live on the North side of Manchester I regularly visit the Bolton fairs of Barry Potter but as I dont have such a reliable car I shy away from anything more than 25 miles away so the NEC etc are out for me..For me its The Engine Shed in Whitefield,Ebay and any antique shops I might get to on a Sunday...Now tell me your secrets. 

Heres the man with the bargains.Always open to offers from this sites members.. ... m=&_ipg=25
Re: Can't find new Matchboxes
Back in the early 1990s, I could bury Hot Wheels and Matchbox at the back of a peg, return two weeks later, and fetch them. Not any more. Chase cars and planned rarity are two of the worst things that happened to this hobby.Tinman wrote:Scalpers stripping shelves of new releases and hording HWs for resale is a phenom that is big with the HW crowd (and much less so with other brands). If you are looking for a Matchbox release that you can't find in the wild, chances are the online seller is first and foremost a HW scalper, reseller and collector (who dabbles in MB).
Next time I hit the Dollar Tree, I'll have a gander at their Matchbox selection. There aren't too many current Matchbox vehicles that I'd get worked up over, but I'll take a minute to check anyway.
My other musings:
- Diecastmolester
- Posts: 421
- Joined: Mon Oct 23, 2017 6:13 pm
- Location: Stockport, England
Re: Can't find new Matchboxes
If I knew any secrets I wouldn't have to ask where I can find new Matchboxes.misterpop wrote:Now tell me your secrets.
Cowydd O'Lochdown-Bragsitt
- Posts: 858
- Joined: Sun Sep 15, 2013 7:18 pm
Re: Can't find new Matchboxes
We have toy fairs but the new Matchbox is usually bought in by the stall holders themselves with direct contacts in the US.
Our shops are much like David describes. The Warehouse, here has the most Matchbox available but often patchy supply and many peg warmers. We seem to miss out on
complete waves of releases.
The only other place I've seen new Matchbox here is in some of the Toy World stores. Again patchy supplies and peg warmers.
Very odd marketing program by Mattel. I don't understand the logic behind it. If they aren't going to commit to the brand why bother with it?
Our shops are much like David describes. The Warehouse, here has the most Matchbox available but often patchy supply and many peg warmers. We seem to miss out on
complete waves of releases.
The only other place I've seen new Matchbox here is in some of the Toy World stores. Again patchy supplies and peg warmers.
Very odd marketing program by Mattel. I don't understand the logic behind it. If they aren't going to commit to the brand why bother with it?