Idris wrote:Would a mask be feasible given the protruding angular front bumper? If the intention was to paint, let's say, only the front face of the grill and maybe also the header tank, wouldn't that present problems with getting the mask in close enough to prevent significant overspray onto the model?
The mask could be recessed in line with the bumper so that when the model is presented to the mask only the grille and header tank in line with what is cut out in the mask is sprayed.
However if the lady presenting the model to the mask is off line then overspray most likely to one side would occur.
However to date I have not seen any photos that are good enough quality to convince me of mask spray on the 6b.
From what I have learnt with the mask spray stations there may have only been 2 stations per model.
Some masks were delicate like for the 72a Fordson spraying the grille with a vertical separation line. Some brilliant spraying on these.
Masks were also curved and had horizontal slits for the bumper to be trimmed along with curved grille and lights like the 50a Commer with little overspray.
A mask to suit the 6b grille only would be one like that used to mask spray the grille only of the later 40a Bedford tipper as per Nicks code 13 and 14. the bumper protrudes and does not get sprayed. None of mine have overspray.
Given that so far we have not seen a 6b with mask spray I would suggest there was some other reason for not spraying them.