New News?

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Re: New News?

Post by Tinman »

I'm getting a Tram 101 YY education on this thread. Below is a model I'm getting ready to restore. From what Bob has written, I'm guessing this tram has a bunch of infill under the stairs and probably the double thick cow catcher. I have to get a large set of wheels and a roof to finish this one off (I have the decal set already). Sooo, am I correct in my assumptions that is a very common late issue of the tram?
zzzz1.jpg (134.29 KiB) Viewed 1214 times
zzzz2 VBD.jpg
zzzz2 VBD.jpg (222.37 KiB) Viewed 1214 times
zzzz4 VBD.jpg
zzzz4 VBD.jpg (167.11 KiB) Viewed 1214 times
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Re: New News?

Post by YYS4BOB »

Have a look here.
"Partial infill" indicates a small gap at the bottom of the quadrant infil on one end of the tram. Daylight can be seen through this gap.
Below shows thin (with rare grey base) and thick cowcatchers


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Re: New News?

Post by Tinman »

All most interesting, thank you for the info and excellent descriptive photos.
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