ATM 08: 1930 Mack AC Tanker "Ultramar"

Lesney early large scale toys 1947-55 + Models of Yesteryear 1956 to date
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ATM 08: 1930 Mack AC Tanker "Ultramar"

Post by charliep »

Authentic Trade Mark (ATM)08: 1930 Mack AC Tanker "Ultramar" [/b]
1. Mack Tanker/gray bonnet/yellow cab roof/blue chassis/blue tank/black base/Macau/Type 1 front wheels.
2. Mack Tanker/gray bonnet/yellow cab roof/blue chassis/blue tank/black base/China/Type 2 front wheels.
3. Model T Tanker/gray body/yellow roof/blue tank/blue base/Lesney England/12 spoke gray wheels.
4. Model T Tanker/gray body/yellow roof/blue tank w/side panels/blue base/Matchbox England/12 spoke brass wheels.
1. Mack Tanker/gray bonnet/yellow cab roof/blue chassis/blue tank/black base/Macau/Type 1 front wheels.
1. Mack Tanker/gray bonnet/yellow cab roof/blue chassis/blue tank/black base/Macau/Type 1 front wheels.
ATM08 1930 Mack AC Tanker Ultramar var#1.jpg (215.46 KiB) Viewed 2952 times
2. Mack Tanker/gray bonnet/yellow cab roof/blue chassis/blue tank/black base/China/Type 2 front wheels.
2. Mack Tanker/gray bonnet/yellow cab roof/blue chassis/blue tank/black base/China/Type 2 front wheels.
ATM08 1930 Mack AC Tanker Ultramar var#2.jpg (211.55 KiB) Viewed 2952 times
3. Model T Tanker/gray body/yellow roof/blue tank/blue base/Lesney England/12 spoke gray wheels.
3. Model T Tanker/gray body/yellow roof/blue tank/blue base/Lesney England/12 spoke gray wheels.
ATM08 1912 Ford Model T Tanker var#3.jpg (206.93 KiB) Viewed 2952 times
4. Model T Tanker/gray body/yellow roof/blue tank w/side panels/blue base/Matchbox England/12 spoke brass wheels.
4. Model T Tanker/gray body/yellow roof/blue tank w/side panels/blue base/Matchbox England/12 spoke brass wheels.
ATM08 1912 Ford Model T Tanker var#4.jpg (199.01 KiB) Viewed 2952 times
ATM08 1912 Ford Model T Tanker with or without side panels.jpg
ATM08 1912 Ford Model T Tanker with or without side panels.jpg (196.36 KiB) Viewed 2952 times
ATM08 1930 Mack AC Tanker Ultramar type 1 or type 2 front wheels.jpg
ATM08 1930 Mack AC Tanker Ultramar type 1 or type 2 front wheels.jpg (225.47 KiB) Viewed 2952 times
ATM08 1912 Ford Model T Tanker wheel variations.jpg
ATM08 1912 Ford Model T Tanker wheel variations.jpg (218.47 KiB) Viewed 2952 times
ATM08 1930 Mack AC Tanker side pic#1.jpg
ATM08 1930 Mack AC Tanker side pic#1.jpg (210.88 KiB) Viewed 2952 times
ATM08 1930 Mack AC Tanker side pic#2.jpg
ATM08 1930 Mack AC Tanker side pic#2.jpg (211.15 KiB) Viewed 2952 times
ATM08 1930 Mack AC Tanker Ultramar Macau or China base.jpg
ATM08 1930 Mack AC Tanker Ultramar Macau or China base.jpg (210.91 KiB) Viewed 2952 times
ATM08 1912 Ford Model T Tanker Lesney or Matchbox base.jpg
ATM08 1912 Ford Model T Tanker Lesney or Matchbox base.jpg (229.99 KiB) Viewed 2952 times
ATM08 1930 Mack AC Tanker Ultramar first type front wheel.jpg
ATM08 1930 Mack AC Tanker Ultramar first type front wheel.jpg (118.36 KiB) Viewed 2952 times
ATM08 1930 Mack AC Tanker Ultramar second type front wheel.jpg
ATM08 1930 Mack AC Tanker Ultramar second type front wheel.jpg (116.31 KiB) Viewed 2952 times
ATM08 1912 Ford Model T Tanker Ultramar.jpg
ATM08 1912 Ford Model T Tanker Ultramar.jpg (145.85 KiB) Viewed 2952 times
ATM08 1930 Mack AC Tanker Ultramar boxes.jpg
ATM08 1930 Mack AC Tanker Ultramar boxes.jpg (228.66 KiB) Viewed 2952 times
ATM08 1930 Mack AC Tanker group pic#1.jpg
ATM08 1930 Mack AC Tanker group pic#1.jpg (213.31 KiB) Viewed 2952 times
ATM08 1930 Mack AC Tanker group pic#2.jpg
ATM08 1930 Mack AC Tanker group pic#2.jpg (184.77 KiB) Viewed 2952 times
ATM08 1930 Mack AC Tanker group pic#3.jpg
ATM08 1930 Mack AC Tanker group pic#3.jpg (200.55 KiB) Viewed 2952 times
ATM08 1930 Mack AC Tanker group pic#4.jpg
ATM08 1930 Mack AC Tanker group pic#4.jpg (191.33 KiB) Viewed 2952 times
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Re: ATM 08: 1930 Mack AC Tanker "Ultramar"

Post by francipe »

Hi Charlie,
I've got these 4.





The last one is based on the Y3 Limited Edition 'Red Crown' Yesteryear, the other Model T on the standard Y3 tankers.
Did your model using the 'Red Crown' donor model come in its own ATM08 box? Mine was part of a 2 model set ATM GS-01.


Do you have this? And the associated ATM09 Petro Canada models?
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Re: ATM 08: 1930 Mack AC Tanker "Ultramar"

Post by francipe »

Horace Dunkley, who you probably know was a Yesteryear collector held in high esteem, had several other versions of the ATM08 tankers. I'll post a photo of them when I get a chance.
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Re: ATM 08: 1930 Mack AC Tanker "Ultramar"

Post by matchboxmarcel »

that's a very nice set Peter.

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Re: ATM 08: 1930 Mack AC Tanker "Ultramar"

Post by charliep »

Hi Francipe
My Y3 'Red Crown' yesteryear donor model also came from the set ATM-GS01. This is a limited edition gift set (1 of 14).
Yes I used to read the interesting articles that Horace wrote on MICA mags. There is a wealth of information for the avid collector.
As I mentioned in a different post, there are more variations & it is very hard if not impossible for any collector to acquire an example of each model.
I look forward to see photos of the other versions. Thanks!
ATM08 1912 Ford Model T Tanker base from ATM GS01 set pic#1.jpg
ATM08 1912 Ford Model T Tanker base from ATM GS01 set pic#1.jpg (205.42 KiB) Viewed 2892 times
ATM08 1912 Ford Model T Tanker base from ATM GS01 set pic#2.jpg
ATM08 1912 Ford Model T Tanker base from ATM GS01 set pic#2.jpg (230 KiB) Viewed 2892 times
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Re: ATM 08: 1930 Mack AC Tanker "Ultramar"

Post by francipe »

Hi Charlie,
Here's the baseplates from my ATM-GS01 set



As you can see, they're identical to your models and used the Y3 Red Crown issue 1 as the donor model.
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Re: ATM 08: 1930 Mack AC Tanker "Ultramar"

Post by francipe »

Age is a dreadful thing and the extra models Horace had are part of the ATM-09 Petro Canada set.

The only other Ultramar model Horace had is this very rare special presentation item

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Re: ATM 08: 1930 Mack AC Tanker "Ultramar"

Post by matchboxmarcel »

the last one shown by you Peter is an old code-3 which the later code-2 design was based on.
