Hi Hugh and all! There was never any doubt in my mind that the engine painting was deliberate on this Bug as I had found and noted it so many years ago now. Antonin and I had noted the practice being done on a portion of the misspelled base examples we each had in our collections, but not all. Mine STILL has clear windows and is without the red trimmed tailights. To the best of my memory, a correctly spelled base Bug has never been shown or even rumored to have existed YET with its engine deliberately painted in black .....
I hadn't realized that you had taken Mick's side on the argument of "Overspay at the factory" Hugh.... ......kwakers
kwakers wrote:I hadn't realized that you had taken Mick's side on the argument of "Overspay at the factory" Hugh...
Never having seen one, I had an open mind on the matter, not helped by the fact that the photographs I'd seen simply didn't to the variation justice. No one who has actually inspected one of these could ever be in any doubt - the engines are definitely deliberately painted, not (heavily) oversprayed.
I thought Antonin's black motor as pictured years ago on LeFora (?) was quite distinct at the time Hugh, and that Mick's argument without having an example in hand would never hold up to Both my and Antonin's first hand observations. I am glad you have now been turned from the darkside Hugh.... A Devilishly Happy kwakers
Going through my beaters looking for something to restore and I found an unlisted #25 Volkswagen Beetle. Best of all it has the black painted engine/motor.
Here's the rundown:
9x20 GPW
Clear windows
Without base plate braces
"Volkswagen" spelling on the base
Black paint on the engine matches the base.
I can't tell if the tail lights were painted because much of the paint is gone on the model including on the lights. So here's another Volkswagen with the black painted motor and some other details outside of the variation table (i.e. the table shows the 9x20 GPW wheels pared with tinted windows, mine has clear windows).
A couple of pics, that's the best motor close up I could get with my iPhone. The last time I restored something like this, I got a little verbally beat up (it was a beater 20a without the cab brace). If anyone wants this very play worn VW with the painted motor, I'll trade it for another 1950's play worn model I can restore.
VW black motor 1 (2).jpg (73.07 KiB) Viewed 7594 times
VW black motor2 (2).jpg (153.73 KiB) Viewed 7594 times