ClOwY wrote:so can i say that hand painted was thick and spray thin /fine. Gary
Hi Gary,
Not always as can be seen in some my photos. If the operator applied the model to the mask more than once you would get a thick paint job.
Sometimes the paint ran also causing a thick area.
It is usually about the edge of the trim. It is closing in on 11pm over here so will try and take some pics of a very good example of what I mean in daylight.
In the meantime here are a few where the camera behaved and shows some nice detail.
The Bedford is a nice example of having a sharp trim edge on one side of the grille but the other you can see the tiny dots.
The compressor truck is a great example of very bad alignment to the mask that the underside got sprayed as well.
From the look of the radio truck it appears the bumper has a good coating but you can see the fine overspray on the wheels.
The Trojan has a paint run on one headlight possibly as a result of mask smudge.
The Marshall horse box is quite fine with the spray but pretty messy.
So all of these are mask sprayed yet because they have not been handled much the delicate trim has not worn, but if they had worn off it could be thought some were hand trimmed as only the thicker paint would be left behind. Rarely would you see overspray on a played with model on the wheels.
More later on the weekend.
click on the pic to see full detail. Apologies for order of models in relation to text.