How many people post here?

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How many people post here?

Post by DrJeep »

Ian - Mr Pop - asked how many people really post here. I've made a spreadsheet of the information from the list of members (lots of copying and pasting!). Here's the first part of my analysis: a histogram of posts per member.
Screenshot 2020-03-21 at 20.00.52.jpg
Screenshot 2020-03-21 at 20.00.52.jpg (73.64 KiB) Viewed 6094 times
The classes are in a geometric progression (bear with me, I really am a scientist!), so they go 0, 1, 2, >2 to 4, >4 to 8 etc. The vertical axis is on a log scale to make it easier to read.

What does this show? We have just over 2400 members but 1857 of them have never posted. 546 people have posted at least once. 329 have posted more than 4 times. At the other end of the scale, one (ghostly) member has posted more than 11000 times! In total there are just under 80,000 posts on the site.

In looking through the members list it's clear that some people joined for reasons other than an interest in small metal vehicles! We apparently have a member based in Antarctica, but his or her home page is an online casino. They've never posted...

What else would you like to know?
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Re: How many people post here?

Post by motorman »

It is clear to me that VBD is dying slowly. Let’s face facts, it’s creator Nick Jones hardly visits and shows absolutely no interest in maintaining this site, without Idris (Hugh) this site would have died a long time ago, so in my opinion we are on borrowed time. I am seriously thinking of throwing in my towel because this site is not what it once was.

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Re: How many people post here?

Post by Idris »

motorman wrote:It is clear to me that VBD is dying slowly. Let’s face facts, it’s creator Nick Jones hardly visits and shows absolutely no interest in maintaining this site, without Idris (Hugh) this site would have died a long time ago, so in my opinion we are on borrowed time....the site is not what it once was.
Regrettably, I agree.
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Re: How many people post here?

Post by Idris »

Idris wrote:
motorman wrote:It is clear to me that VBD is dying slowly. Let’s face facts, it’s creator Nick Jones hardly visits and shows absolutely no interest in maintaining this site, without Idris (Hugh) this site would have died a long time ago, so in my opinion we are on borrowed time....the site is not what it once was.
Regrettably, I agree.
On reflection, I think a caveat is needed.
Whilst it is true that only a small minority of the Membership are active posters, those that do post are extremely knowledgeable, meaning what VBD lacks in width, it makes up for in depth. That may well be part of the problem since newbies and less-experienced collectors are probably reluctant to post, potentially making mistakes and schoolboy errors, when surrounded by (people whom they perceive to be) experts.
So, whilst VBD has only a small, active core, I believe those Members do serve the rest of the collecting community well. There are an awful lot of lurkers on this site. (have a look at the number of views of my catalogue review posts, and what you will see is the even those without any replies have views in the 100s). Even in its present form, VBD is therefore obviously providing a valuable service to others, and long may it continue to do so (but it would be nice if there were a bit more traffic on the site).
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Re: How many people post here?

Post by nearlymint »

I would like to say a big thank you to all of you who keep this site going, I have learnt so much over the years from this site it’s just amazing.The Wealth of knowledge is just fantastic and I cannot really put into words how this site has helped me over the years.
Check my swaps page(rest has been under construction for years :))
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Re: How many people post here?

Post by Fox »

Maybe because one have discovered almost what could have been discovered now.
News are scarcer. Discussing could be a little more anoying because subjects are a bit the same.

And we, diecast collectors are older and older. Very few younger people are interested in model car. They even often haven't play with some in their childhood.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe not.
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Re: How many people post here?


All the above can be seen to be true and this applies to other forums connected to the collectors community be it model railways, tinplate aircraft and plastic kits etc, etc.

We have to remember and accept the fact this forum is not the only outlet for collectors of vintage diecast toys and models but can still hold its head up high as a very informative internet based site and is used as a main reference source by many facebook posters.

The explosion of other social media based collectors sites certainly has diluted the traffic we get here and as Hugh mentioned the 'Core' posters are some of the most well informed collectors within our hobby, but the forum is morphing into a sort of large High Street based easy to see notice board, where some important model information is posted for all to see but without much expectation of any comeback conversation from those looking at the info while the facebook groups get almost instant responces from the posters and added to the no hassle picture posting method used on the facebook platform, means it is so much easier to use than the forum.

I have personally reduced a lot of posting here for two reasons.
1, I could not help get the feeling of becoming a type of 'Oracle' poster jumping in at every opportunity with replies and comments to every Tom, Dick and Harry posting here, therfore not giving other members a chance to take the lead.

2, I am scared due the COVID-19 situation whith an underlying health problem myself relating to my chest and breathing issues so this has taken over a lot of my thinking away from my hobbies.

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Re: How many people post here?

Post by johnboy »

nearlymint wrote:I would like to say a big thank you to all of you who keep this site going, I have learnt so much over the years from this site it’s just amazing.The Wealth of knowledge is just fantastic and I cannot really put into words how this site has helped me over the years.
Very nice words which sum up my thoughts up as well. Thanks to all of you who keep things running smoothly and those that contribute to the site, it has helped me tremendously over the years, through good and not so good times. There are always new things to learn and with everything that is happening in the world I'm grateful that I can visit here and distract myself for short periods.
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Re: How many people post here?

Post by kerbside »

There you are I have just submitted a post and it has not showed up?
It took me quite a while to do it, owe well such is.
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Re: How many people post here?

Post by misterpop »

In the coming weeks I see people coming back and saying hello..I think a special welcome back should be extended to them.
We can not let this site die its the home of British vintage Diecast and a collection point for many many other [model] car appreciators and restorers ..I think I and many others know when the site started getting quiet but that time has long passed..

Now is the time to stick together and support each other through this crap time.I have many friends on here who have taught this old guy a lot over the years. I have only actualy met one of you in the flesh but that do's not mean I hav'nt formed a bond with a lot of you.

After all where else am I going to get a bit of appreciation for my feeble efforts at restoring basket cases before I pop them on Ebay..Keep safe every one and we will come out of this on the other side.. :)
Heres the man with the bargains.Always open to offers from this sites members.. ... m=&_ipg=25