There are initially two ways round this problem:
1, George will have to go through all his posts and re-post the images using an alternative picture host to bring back the sharp images.
2, Anyone wanting to view an out of focus image just needs to do a right click on the image and choose the View image option. This will open a new window displaying George's image as originally intended in nice sharp focus.
Number 2 above works on Windows operating systems up to Windows 8. Windows 10 does not give you the same right click options so what you have to do is type Snipping Tool into Cortana and wait for the app to appear in Cortana's search window. Click on this and this will bring up the search results for the Snipping Tool as shown below.

The green tick will not show I have just added it to show you what the snipping tool app results looks like. You will do a right click on this and the following options will appear as shown below.

If you click on the Pin to taskbar a snipping tool icon will be added to your taskbar for quick access to the snipping tool.
If you click on the Pin to Start, it will do the same but the snipping tool icon will be in your start menu.
I prefer to have on in my Taskbar.
Wherever you have it, click on the icon and the Snipping Tool window will open on your desk top as shown below.

During viewing of any forum images you click on your snipping tool icon and the above window will appear. Just then click on the New icon highlighted by my green oval and the whole screen will go grey but allowing you to see the image enough for you to select what area of the screen (or a forum image) you want to 'Snip'. It is a form of Screen Grab but with more control. Use the mouse or touch pad with the left click button held down to move your cursor to select the desired image. When you let go of the buttons it will automatically bring up the save window where you decide where you want the new image to be saved to and what title to give this new image.
Do it a few times and you will be using the snipping tool every day to save valuable pictures from forums and websites etc.