Johillco firetruck and a .....what?

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Johillco firetruck and a .....what?

Post by Bonzothecat »

I just got this from a friend who has got an antique shop, but doesn't want to deal with toys. He got these in a lot and asked me if I wanted to buy them. I did!
The firetruck is a Johillco because it says so on its back. I had never heard of them but liked how it looked. Not sure if its a repaint, but the probably an old one.
The hay-rake is a bit of a mystery though. It looks like a pre-war Britains, but its not. It says "Made in France" underneath, and the horse is attached to the rake in a much more complicated way than Britains. The driver has lost the arm he draws the lever with (which works).
Does anybody know anything about these?
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Re: Johillco firetruck and a .....what?

Post by Malibu »

Take a look here.
The horse looks very similar. ... SwWgdbsPaN
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Re: Johillco firetruck and a .....what?

Post by YYS4BOB »

Posts: 30
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Re: Johillco firetruck and a .....what?

Post by Bonzothecat »

The horse looks identical. It even has the "bullet-hole" in the forehead, as mine do (for some purpose?).
It was a hefty price on the firetruck! It has not been sold, though.