just received this the last week...when i bought it i knew the smoke stack piece was missing and the glass...when i got it in hand i noticed the glass was there just not in place...so i used a long qtip stick and moved it into position...used some elmers glue to hold it in place...now it looks awesome
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thanks jason and john...i was surprised i got it so cheap even with the missing stack and glass...seller shouldve inspected it closer
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I've had a few with the exhaust end missing.
I drill a hole down the centre of the silencer / muffler ...
Use a hand pin drill, NOT a power drill, to get the hole dead centre.
You can use a power drill once you get the hole started,
but I persevere with the hand pin drill.
You then have a choice ...
Insert a suitable length of steel / aluminium rod to replicate the lost end ...
or ... a suitable length of steel / aluminium tube, which looks a lot better.
So, you can go for the original look or the custom look.
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