27c Cadillac rear door handles

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Re: 27c Cadillac rear door handles

Post by matchbox1-75showroom »

A few pictures of the door handles and locks on a pre-production No.76 baseplate Cadillac Sixty Special.
P1170783.JPG (108.04 KiB) Viewed 1938 times
P1170784.JPG (123.3 KiB) Viewed 1938 times
Intriguing that the door locks only appear on the right hand side! of the model. I can't imagine for a minute that they were accidentally omitted and a new casting was made prior to production. Any guesses anyone?

Last edited by matchbox1-75showroom on Wed Feb 05, 2020 9:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 27c Cadillac rear door handles


Atisitic Licence always plays a part in the development of models. So...''if we cast the door locks under the handles, would it be noticable or should we just have the handles''.

So essentially the specification of a model is being considered hence the status of 'Preproduction', they are 'Tyr Out' models with differing details evident.

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Re: 27c Cadillac rear door handles

Post by DrJeep »

Thank you for posting these excellent pictures - it's a fascinating model. I'm not so sure about it being a with- or without-door locks trial: I think the mould wasn't quite finished. It would be relatively easy to add the missing locks but difficult to take them away from the other side!