Hard to Find Code 7 13d with shield decal

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Hard to Find Code 7 13d with shield decal

Post by Tinman »

wreck4 (2).jpg
wreck4 (2).jpg (37.37 KiB) Viewed 3124 times
I was recently contacted by an acquaintance about buying some of his more hard to find models. One of his models I was interested in was a very hard to find Nick Jones code 7, 13d Dodge Wrecker with the shield decal (25c decals). It's in C8+ to C9- condition. Very clean with a couple of pin pricks to the paint and tarnished axle ends. I was initially pleased with the model and continued to closely examine the decals. The decals are indeed real. As I continued to closely examine the model the ambient light in the room caught the right side of the model just right. Suddenly, a clear outline of where the paper label had once been came into view. The model has had its original paper labels removed. The decals are the real deal, but they have obviously been soaked off of a 32c and applied to the 13d.

Had the faker noticed the error and polished the right side of the model, they most likely would have gotten away with the deception. The seller, who seemed to be truly under the impression the model was legit (up until I showed him what I was seeing), said he kept records on all of his purchases. He was kind enough to share the name of the seller and, no surprise, he purchased it from a well known faker that we've outed and banned from the VBD. Sadly, he paid quite a premium price for this model.

Upon my return home, I composed and emailed him a list of known fakers and their ebay names. He is now going through his records and pulling out any models he's bought from sellers on the list. We've set a time that I can come over and inspect those and a few other models he now worries might not be as advertised. I hope I don't have to break his heart with any other discoveries, and have apprehension about the outcome of my next visit. I didn't come home empty handed though, and he had many play worn models from some job lots (or lot purchases) that I took off his hands for restoration and parts.
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Re: Hard to Find Code 7 13d with shield decal

Post by Tinman »

It was hard to photograph what I saw, but I think you can make out the outline in this photo.
wreck8 (2).jpg
wreck8 (2).jpg (43.99 KiB) Viewed 3123 times
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Re: Hard to Find Code 7 13d with shield decal

Post by Squid »

The outline of the original label is readily apparent. Shame your friend got stuck with a bogus model; fingers crossed he doesn't find more. His idea of keeping records is a good one. I'd also add names and addresses, as last I checked, it wasn't difficult to change an eBay user ID. The shysters who fake desirable models may well have multiple eBay accounts, too.
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Re: Hard to Find Code 7 13d with shield decal

Post by Brad Pittiful »

you have a keen eye Joe...sucks that it isnt authentic
Please use a web hosting site (like photobucket) to store pictures so you can post them here, using attachments makes it hard to view the pictures when you have to scroll to see them. Seeing comparisons of models is hard to see with attachments too.
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Re: Hard to Find Code 7 13d with shield decal

Post by Idris »

As Joe has told us again and again, it's not worth paying a premium for label and decal variations.
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Re: Hard to Find Code 7 13d with shield decal

Post by radar »

Excellent knowledge displayed Tinman. Sorry for your friend. Seriously what would be the potential world wide market be for such a fraud. Can anyone estimate? Must only be a couple of dozen collectors who would chase such variations. Not excusing fraud in anyway shape or form.
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Re: Hard to Find Code 7 13d with shield decal

Post by Tinman »

radar wrote:Excellent knowledge displayed Tinman. Sorry for your friend. Seriously what would be the potential world wide market be for such a fraud. Can anyone estimate? Must only be a couple of dozen collectors who would chase such variations. Not excusing fraud in anyway shape or form.
At least a few thousand are interested in this variation.
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Re: Hard to Find Code 7 13d with shield decal

Post by radar »

Ok thanks. I didn’t think so many committed collectors existed.
Next question would be, I wonder how many under 50 years old? :)
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Re: Hard to Find Code 7 13d with shield decal

Post by Squid »

radar wrote:Next question would be, I wonder how many under 50 years old?
I am under 50 years old, but I doubt I am one of the "committed collectors" you referred to. I doubt there is an accurate way to gauge how many under-50 collectors are in our community. However, I'd hazard a guess that it's a relatively small number.