100 - FAB 1

Dinky toys by Meccano
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100 - FAB 1

Post by dinkycollect »

I think that each Dinky should have it"s own thread so here is one for the number 100.


                                                 This is supposed to be the actual FAB 1, it is kept in a museum somewhere in UK.


Some one tried to make an other one but is is based on a Ford and does not look like Ladie's Penelope. It belongs to the British Motor Museum Heritage center in Gaydon Oxfordshire and I yhink that it looks ugly compared to the Rolls-Royce.

I am also a Dinky Toys variations fan and I am glad to know that there are at least fourteen variations of the FAB 1 Rolls-Royce because I only know the following six and I would very much like to know the other eight. Unfortunately many pictures have disapeared from this forum and this is very sad.

pink body with two pink ribs on the roof, gold seats, headlights surround
fluorescent pink body with two pink ribs on the roof, gold seats, no headlights surround, type 4 hubs (see below), packed in yellow box with inner pictorial stand
fluorescent pink body with two pink ribs on the roof, gold seats, no headlights surround, type 1 hubs (see below), packed in 1972 high card tray
pink body without pink ribs on the roof, gold or brown seats, no headlights surround
pink body, without pink ribs on the roof, chrome plated seats, black steering wheel, neither headlights surround or CENTURY 21 marking
pink body, without pink ribs on the roof, black seats and steering wheel, neither headlights surround or CENTURY 21 marking

Thanks for your help.

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Re: 100 - FAB 1


If you mean the museum in Cumbria as the location for a real ''FAB 1'' then sadly that has all gone and the exhibits sold. ''FAB 1'' went to America.

I had a running slide show of all 14 variations with detailed descriptions on photobucket but have recently discovered a few pages are now not being displayed due to the technical problems photobucket are experiencing right now. I am investigating an alternative web slide show method. I could email a pdf version to you via the forums Private Message system.

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Re: 100 - FAB 1

Post by misterpop »

I've got one...Well I would would'nt I? :D

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Re: 100 - FAB 1

Post by Squid »

dinkycollect wrote:Some one tried to make an other one but is is based on a Ford and does not look like Ladie's Penelope. It belongs to the British Motor Museum Heritage center in Gaydon Oxfordshire and I think that it looks ugly compared to the Rolls-Royce.
Agreed 100%. That grill looks like it belongs on a COE tractor!
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Re: 100 - FAB 1


The Gaydon Museum car was supplied by the Ford Motor Company when it transpired Rolls-Royce on asking for help with a new ''FAB 1'' car for the 2004 live action film said NO, we do not want anything to do with it. The production company promised Ford lots of publicity for their help and the new car was built with a lot of Ford supplied components.

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Re: 100 - FAB 1

Post by misterpop »

Totally pointless IMO.They should have pirated this hey?

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