What happened here?

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What happened here?

Post by DrJeep »

There’s obviously money to be made from recreating unusual variations... I have no idea why this made more than £50. The rivet says it all...
B4365162-2D67-47B1-809A-C16634449279.jpeg (64.55 KiB) Viewed 2279 times
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Re: What happened here?

Post by Idris »

A fool and his money....
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Re: What happened here?

Post by kerbside »

With all the books and matchbox sites available such as this site,

foolish people still buy these made up models is unbelievable really.

George T.
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Re: What happened here?

Post by AJR »

Looking at his "sold" items, most are repaints (poor repaints at that) yet he never mentions that fact,
just that they are from his own collection and display well.
Surprisingly he has no negative feedback.
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Re: What happened here?

Post by Idris »

AJR wrote:Surprisingly he has no negative feedback.
Top-tier dodgy sellers seem to know how to play the system. In spite of pedalling fakes and lies, they seem to be able to either avoid negative feedback, or have it deleted before it can accumulate.
IMHO, Ebay's feedback system is simply not fit for purpose. (How could it be when buyers can only receive positive feedback?)
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Re: What happened here?

Post by L-esney »

I have never bought anything on Ebay, just because of the fact that most of the sellers only have positive feedback. That is simply IMPOSSIBLE,... even when someone is a very honest seller, he or she will always have some kind of negative (or at least less positive) feedback.
The fact that it seems to be pretty common to have only positive feedbacks worries me a lot and tells me that "the system" isn't flawless and easy to trick.