TUF-TOTS (not mokes)

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Re: TUF-TOTS (not mokes)

Post by AJR »

When we came to UK in 1970, I bought all that were available (they were 9d and then 5p each).
I only remember buying up to 613 ... I had none of those number 614 onwards so was 1970 - 71 the release date for those?
Once I had all the (known at the time) Tuf Tots, I started buying Minix.
I've just started replacing a few of them but I'm only interested in the Ford N Series trucks.
So far I have replaced four (flatbed is minus the pumps) and four Mokes (though they have plastic rear bodies).
Some of the luton vans had casting area altered for a decal or label, as too did the petrol tanker.
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Re: TUF-TOTS (not mokes)


Tuf Tots were first introduced during 1969 for the Christmas take up period so deliveries were a bit widespread as to who got what! So you buying them in 1970 would have got you the first retail deliveries.

Posts: 327
Joined: Wed Dec 03, 2014 3:47 pm

Re: TUF-TOTS (not mokes)

Post by AJR »

I believe the little Tuf-Tots truck is based on the Ford 'N' series

You are correct.
Tuf Tots were first introduced during 1969 for the Christmas take up period so deliveries were a bit widespread as to who got what! So you buying them in 1970 would have got you the first retail deliveries.

We arrived in UK January 1970 so that would explain why I only bought the early numbers.
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