These turned up in the post today bought as part of a small collection containing some “Yesteryears” I wanted.
Not being to knowledgeable about 1:75 didn’t realise what I’d got till I checked my books.
The trolly bus with grey plastic wheels is hard to find and the no 5b with “Players Please” also. (According to my book anyway).
The "Players Please" 5b is hard to find, especially in that condition. That's a great find! Mine is much worse, though it was only £2 from a toy fair. The even harder to find one is the BP Visco Static (thanks, Peter!)
The trolleybus is a beautiful little model, and such a nice casting with its delicate window pillars. I bought one just like your example this weekend. It's based on London Transport's Q1 class of trolleybus, which were delivered in two batches between 1948 and 1952. The first batch replaced the famous "Diddlers", which were modelled by Matchbox in the Yesteryear range many years later. London's trolleybuses last ran in 1962, but most of the Q1s were exported to Spain for further service.