factory-Repainted 29d Racing Mini

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factory-Repainted 29d Racing Mini

Post by Idris »

Did anyone else spot this interesting SF29d Racing Mini on Ebay recently? It appears to be one of the gold ones repainted in the standard colour.
29-1(s).jpg (7.71 KiB) Viewed 4142 times
29-2(s).jpg (8.57 KiB) Viewed 4142 times
Close-up.jpg (8.29 KiB) Viewed 4137 times
The implication is that there were unpressed gold bodies in stock at Lesney when the Swedish promotional contract fell through, and that these (in typical Lesney fashion) were taken back into normal stock, resprayed, and sold as standard models.
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Re: factory-Repainted 29d Racing Mini

Post by MOKOSEX »

I think gold was used a lot for the undercoat of a lot of candy red lesney cars,the jaguar,beetle ,ferrari etc,could this be one that the paints come off or a poor original paint job?
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Re: factory-Repainted 29d Racing Mini

Post by Idris »

MOKOSEX wrote:I think gold was used a lot for the undercoat of a lot of candy red lesney cars,the jaguar,beetle ,ferrari etc,could this be one that the paints come off or a poor original paint job?
Interesting idea!
Does that mean that the abortive Swedish promotional was simply a standard 29d without the top coat?
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Re: factory-Repainted 29d Racing Mini

Post by MOKOSEX »

Idris wrote:
MOKOSEX wrote:I think gold was used a lot for the undercoat of a lot of candy red lesney cars,the jaguar,beetle ,ferrari etc,could this be one that the paints come off or a poor original paint job?
Interesting idea!
Does that mean that the abortive Swedish promotional was simply a standard 29d without the top coat?
I know nothing about the swedish promo sorry,but by chance i found this in my garden today (don,t ask!) anyway i think it shows my point,the label has fell off and made a lovely heart shape ,sunlight and weather and look what happens lol.
DSCN1234.JPG (165.47 KiB) Viewed 4087 times
DSCN1233.JPG (179.75 KiB) Viewed 4087 times
DSCN1232.JPG (176.27 KiB) Viewed 4087 times
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Re: factory-Repainted 29d Racing Mini

Post by motorman »

Idris wrote:
MOKOSEX wrote:I think gold was used a lot for the undercoat of a lot of candy red lesney cars,the jaguar,beetle ,ferrari etc,could this be one that the paints come off or a poor original paint job?
Interesting idea!
Does that mean that the abortive Swedish promotional was simply a standard 29d without the top coat?
Very interesting thought Hugh, it would have saved a bit of money aswell not adding a top coat.

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Re: factory-Repainted 29d Racing Mini

Post by Idris »

Iin my initial post, I should also have said that it was on as a BiN for £40 (which I thought was too much given its condition).
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Re: factory-Repainted 29d Racing Mini

Post by Rob »

Few years back there was a guy from Sweden who was going around all the main swapmeets like Sandown and NEC, he was trying to sell these gold 29b Racing Minis and was asking between £200 and £250 per model for mint boxed examples. He sold a few but since then he has not been seen to my knowledge. If the model in question is a playworn genuine example I think £40 would be a fair price all round when taking the above into consideration.