23b Berkeley Cavalier "metallic green" Fake

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23b Berkeley Cavalier "metallic green" Fake

Post by paelzermaen »

Anybody seen this, going for € 213.- ?

https://www.ebay.de/itm/Matchbox-Lesney ... true&rt=nc
23c fake.jpg
23c fake.jpg (293.29 KiB) Viewed 2189 times
I would not even call it a fake, more a restauration, as the colour is far off and the tow hitch is repaired with some piece of tin. Interesting is the double crimped axle. That´s good work.
Are collectors getting older and loosing their eyesight?
in Black Forest
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Re: 23b Berkeley Cavalier "metallic green" Fake

Post by Idris »

Yes, I spotted that one. It simply beggars belief that someone is prepared to pay that kind of money for something which is so far removed from the genuine article, especially when there is so much good-quality reference material freely available online.
As the saying goes, a fool and his money are soon parted.
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Re: 23b Berkeley Cavalier "metallic green" Fake

Post by Sebastian10 »

I noticed this one as well - to me the hook looked incredibly bad and the paint looked as if it had been sprayed yesterday from an aerosol can - hammerite maybe? :roll:

Sebastian :)
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Re: 23b Berkeley Cavalier "metallic green" Fake

Post by yellowfoden »

Idris wrote:As the saying goes, a fool and his money are soon parted.
And judging by the look of the tow hitch that will be parting soon as well.

The seller I believe is a member here and it is interesting that the words genuine or original are not used in the listing. So the buyer has pretty much based their choice on the images.
paelzermaen wrote:Are collectors getting older and loosing their eyesight?
Perhaps they are, 11 bidders thought this was ok, another put his/her glasses on and retracted their bid.

What is stated though is that this is said to be a "near mint" model and if this is what the collectors feel is near mint I think the standards are slipping. :(

From the dodgy hitch, the dual axle end crimps and the after market signage on back my grading would be somewhat different.

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Re: 23b Berkeley Cavalier "metallic green" Fake


His other matchbox models which include the hard to find metallic green ('Applegreen') Bentley yesteryear model all seem genuine, so maybe he aquired the caravan from another source and is not directly connected to its dubious status.

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Re: 23b Berkeley Cavalier "metallic green" Fake

Post by mmi »

GHOSTHUNTER wrote:His other matchbox models which include the hard to find metallic green ('Applegreen') Bentley yesteryear model all seem genuine, so maybe he aquired the caravan from another source and is not directly connected to its dubious status.

con bay supports parlor trick selling, as suspect photos can be used to explain away any deception because it is "shown"
and searching this item does not show in USA or UK.....? suspect #2,...knowledgeable buyer
he is a regular list er in USA
I look but have always stayed away,many legitimate looking pieces,but items ALWAYS bid more than normal sales,and high $$ items just dont make me feel warm inside.

in reality of running away from listings.. speed ....mw/phil, cry,ishmar,....3 paces sosj (wishing for "click" to remove from search option)
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Re: 23b Berkeley Cavalier "metallic green" Fake

Post by petethesweet »

Hi all, I don't think it is really a fake, as the colour green is a mile away from the original green. Anybody collecting matchbox could tell by the axle ends, its a shame for somebody to fork out all that dough for something that is only worth 99p. Pete.
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Re: 23b Berkeley Cavalier "metallic green" Fake

Post by mmi »

petethesweet wrote:Hi all, I don't think it is really a fake, as the colour green is a mile away from the original green. Anybody collecting matchbox could tell by the axle ends, its a shame for somebody to fork out all that dough for something that is only worth 99p. Pete.
not saying "its a fake" but at the same time he knows enough that it should be written screaming repaint/damaged
only listing in a lesser "knowledge " market is dodgy also.

it is in the same shadowy sales area ,as respected machinery dealers that can sell official mfg (original /republished) service, manuals or cds for $5-35
but only offer 33 rd generation incomplete ,poor xerox copies for $40-$350 as rare,while purchasing them by the case.
2x $ over priced high end retail ,original manual
vs high end dealer cheap copy, it doesn't set right for 500 pages
both can be had for < $25 total