Seller informed me that he received the model approx. 15 years ago from a representative of Silver City Airways who said the model had been a promotional
of Silver City Airways at the end of the 1950's / first years of the sixties.
The decals appear to be of that period, the characters are somewhat convex, and are not flat as the nowadays printed repro decals.
But somehow I mean to spot remains of the Original "Matchbox International" decals just underneath/besides the Y?
Could they have removed the original decals back then to make it a promo model? And how many have been made?
A fellow collector on the Dutch 3-inch model car forum http://3inchforum.nl/ told me he also owned an identical "Silver City" 34a Volkswagen
in the 1970's, which he swapped with the late Mike Richardson, who back then confirmed it to be a genuine promotional model.
Apparantly some years later another "Silver City" had been spotted on Ebay.
On Silver City Airways documentation can be found on http://www.silvercityairways.com/.
Thanks for helping me out on this curious model!