K15B The Londoner (Bus) Part 1

Charlie P's stunning King Size and SuperKing model reviews
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K15B The Londoner (Bus) Part 1

Post by charliep »

K15B The Londoner (Bus). Issued 1972.

All silver (prepro)
1. Silver body/yellow int/England base K15/gold side doors/no labels/hole on base.

London Palladium (prepro)
1. Red body/yellow int/England base K15/gold side doors/"London Bridge 48" destination label in black & red/no small side label.
2. Silver body/blue int/England base K15/silver side doors/"London Palladium" destination label in black/no small side label.

Alton Towers
1. Blue body/grey int/England base no K#/closed side door/no destination or side labels.
2. Blue body/grey int/England base no K#/closed side door/no destination or side labels/Disneyland on label.

Around London Tour Bus
1. Red body/yellow int/China base no K#/closed side door with line/"Marble Arch" destination label/no transit side label.

Berlin Ist Eine Reise Wert
1. Tan body/blk int/England base & K15/LHD/clsd doors no line/"Wittenberplatz 60" destination lbl/blk&wht side lbl/wht & red main panel lbl to right.
2. Tan body/blk int/England base no K#/LHD/clsd doors no line/"Wittenberplatz 60" destination lbl/blk&wht side lbl/wht & red main panel lbl centered.
3. Tan body/blk int/England base no K#/LHD/clsd doors w/line/"Wittenberplatz 60" destination lbl/blk&wht side lbl/wht & red main panel lbl to right.
4. Tan body/blk int/England base no K#/LHD/clsd doors w/line/"Wittenberplatz 60" destination lbl/blk&wht side lbl/crm & red main panel lbl centered.

Besuchen Sie Berlin
1. Red body/yellow int/Macau base/RHD/closed side doors/no side or front labels/black lion on main panel label.
2. Tan body/black int/England base/LHD/closed side doors/"Wittenbergplatz 60" destination label/small black & white side label.

1. Yel&wht&brown body/dk yellow int/closed doors/no destination or transit side labels/no K# England base

Chesterfield Parish Church 75 Anniversary
1. Lt.blue,dk.blue & white body/England base no K#/black int/closed side door/"Towne Centre" destination label/no transit side label.

1. Red body/yellow int/England base K15/clear windows/ gold side doors/red & white "London Bridge" destination lbl/red & white transit side label.
2. Red body/yellow int/England base K15/clear windows/ gold side doors/black & yellow "London Bridge" destination lbl/no transit side label.

1. Red body/yellow int/England base K15/gold side door/ "Praed Street" destination label/red,white &red transit side label.
2. Red body/yellow int/England base K15/gold side door/"Praed Street" destination label/red & white transit side label.
3. Red body/yellow int/England base K15/gold side door/"Praed Street" destination label/no transit side label.

1. Red body/yel int/England base K15/clr windows/unpainted side door/"London Bridge" destination lbl/red & wht transit side lbl/sml "Harrod's for more than money can buy".
2. Red body/yel int/England base K15/clr windows/gold side door/"London Bridge" destination lbl/red & wht transit side lbl/sml "Enter a different world-Harrod's" lbl.
3. Dk.red body/yel int/England base K15/clr windows/gold side door/"Hackney 30" destination lbl/red & wht transit side lbl/sml "Enter a different world-Harrod's" lbl.
4. Red body/yel int/England base K15/clr windows/unpainted side door/"Hackney 30" destination lbl/red & wht transit side lbl/sml "Enter a different world-Harrod's" lbl.
5. Red body/yel int/England base no K#/clr windows/closed red side door/"London Bridge" destination lbl//no transit side lbl/lrg "Harrod's for more than money can buy".

Iranian's Promo
1. Silver body/yellow int/England base K15/clear windows/gold side door/"Hackney 30" destination label/no side labels.

London Dungeon
1. Red body/brown int/England base K15/gold side doors/"London Bridge 48" destination lbl in blk&red/wht&red transit side lbl.
2. Red body/brown int/England base K15/unpainted side doors/"London Bridge 48" destination lbl in blk&red/wht&red transit side lbl.
3. Red body/yellow int/England base K15/gold side doors/"London Bridge 48" destination lbl in blk&red/wht&red transit side lbl.
4. Dk.red body/yellow int/England base K15/gold side doors/"London Bridge 48" destination lbl in blk&red/wht&red transit side lbl.
5. Red body/yellow int/England base K15/unpainted side doors/"London Bridge 48" destination lbl in black & yellow/no side label.
6. Red body/blue int/England base K15/gold side doors with line/"London Bridge 48" destination lbl in blk&red/wht&red transit side lbl.
7. Silver body/blue int/England base k15/unpainted side doors/"London Bridge 48" destination lbl in black & red/wht&red transit side lbl.

London Wide Tour Bus
1. Red body/yellow int/England base no K#/closed side door//"Westminster Abbey" destination label/no transit side label.
2. Red body/dark yellow int/England base no K#/closed side door/no transit side labels/"Westminster Abbey" destination label.

Nestle Milky Bar
1. White & red body/dk.yellow int/England base no K#/closed side door/"London Bridge" destination label/no transit side label.
2. Red body/yellow int/England base no K#/closed side door with line/"London Bridge" destination label/no transit side label.
K15B The Londoner (Bus) All silver (prepro) pic#1.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) All silver (prepro) pic#1.jpg (271.63 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
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K15B The Londoner (Bus) All silver (prepro) pic#2.jpg (263.92 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) All silver (prepro) pic#3.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) All silver (prepro) pic#3.jpg (223.2 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
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K15B The Londoner (Bus) London Palladium (prepro) pic#1.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London Palladium (prepro) pic#1.jpg (321.47 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London Palladium (prepro) pic#2.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London Palladium (prepro) pic#2.jpg (312.18 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London Palladium (prepro) pic#3.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London Palladium (prepro) pic#3.jpg (262.19 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London Palladium (prepro) pic#4.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London Palladium (prepro) pic#4.jpg (314.11 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
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K15B The Londoner (Bus) London Palladium (prepro) pic#5.jpg (254.33 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Alton Towers pic#1.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Alton Towers pic#1.jpg (232.89 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Alton Towers pic#2.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Alton Towers pic#2.jpg (241.41 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Alton Towers pic#3.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Alton Towers pic#3.jpg (252.15 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Alton Towers pic#4.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Alton Towers pic#4.jpg (316.07 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Alton Towers pic#5.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Alton Towers pic#5.jpg (249.41 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Around London Tour Bus pic#1.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Around London Tour Bus pic#1.jpg (291.59 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Around London Tour Bus pic#2.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Around London Tour Bus pic#2.jpg (281.03 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Around London Tour Bus pic#3.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Around London Tour Bus pic#3.jpg (214.36 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Around London Tour Bus pic#4.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Around London Tour Bus pic#4.jpg (258.63 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
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K15B The Londoner (Bus) Around London Tour Bus pic#5.jpg (258.8 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Berlin isteine Reise wert side door variations (cast line) pic#2.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Berlin isteine Reise wert side door variations (cast line) pic#2.jpg (249.39 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Berlin isteine Reise wert label variation.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Berlin isteine Reise wert label variation.jpg (245.29 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Berlin isteine Reise wert pic#1.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Berlin isteine Reise wert pic#1.jpg (328.72 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Berlin isteine Reise wert pic#2.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Berlin isteine Reise wert pic#2.jpg (304.94 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Berlin isteine Reise wert pic#3.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Berlin isteine Reise wert pic#3.jpg (260.44 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
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K15B The Londoner (Bus) Berlin isteine Reise wert pic#4.jpg (284.43 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Berlin isteine Reise wert base variations #a1.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Berlin isteine Reise wert base variations #a1.jpg (259.37 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Berlin isteine Reise wert pic#5.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Berlin isteine Reise wert pic#5.jpg (275.81 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Besuchen Sie Berlin pic#1.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Besuchen Sie Berlin pic#1.jpg (297.84 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Besuchen Sie Berlin pic#2.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Besuchen Sie Berlin pic#2.jpg (305.14 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Besuchen Sie Berlin pic#3.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Besuchen Sie Berlin pic#3.jpg (231.76 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Besuchen Sie Berlin pic#4.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Besuchen Sie Berlin pic#4.jpg (255.46 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Besuchen Sie Berlin pic#5.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Besuchen Sie Berlin pic#5.jpg (238.01 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Butterkist pic#1.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Butterkist pic#1.jpg (290.96 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Butterkist pic#2.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Butterkist pic#2.jpg (272.4 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Butterkist pic#3.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Butterkist pic#3.jpg (211.22 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Butterkist pic#4.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Butterkist pic#4.jpg (205.24 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Butterkist pic#5.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Butterkist pic#5.jpg (270.85 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Chesterfield Parish Church pic#1.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Chesterfield Parish Church pic#1.jpg (269.14 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Chesterfield Parish Church pic#2.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Chesterfield Parish Church pic#2.jpg (251.32 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Chesterfield Parish Church pic#3.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Chesterfield Parish Church pic#3.jpg (221.07 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Chesterfield Parish Church pic#4.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Chesterfield Parish Church pic#4.jpg (228.43 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Chesterfield Parish Church pic#5.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Chesterfield Parish Church pic#5.jpg (221.38 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Firestone pic#1.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Firestone pic#1.jpg (248.01 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Firestone pic#2.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Firestone pic#2.jpg (308.76 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Firestone pic#3.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Firestone pic#3.jpg (240.23 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Firestone pic#4.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Firestone pic#4.jpg (313.18 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Firestone pic#5.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Firestone pic#5.jpg (252.87 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Hamleys pic#1.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Hamleys pic#1.jpg (249.35 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Hamleys pic#2.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Hamleys pic#2.jpg (232.24 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Hamleys pic#3.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Hamleys pic#3.jpg (280.71 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Hamleys pic#4.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Hamleys pic#4.jpg (298.01 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Hamleys pic#5.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Hamleys pic#5.jpg (308.97 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Harrod's destination label variations.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Harrod's destination label variations.jpg (249.78 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Harrod's red or dark red body & side door variations.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Harrod's red or dark red body & side door variations.jpg (310.12 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Harrod's side door variations.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Harrod's side door variations.jpg (335.76 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Harrod's side label variations.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Harrod's side label variations.jpg (304.31 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Harrod's label variations pic#1.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Harrod's label variations pic#1.jpg (238.36 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Harrod's Enter a different world pic#2.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Harrod's Enter a different world pic#2.jpg (250.92 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Harrod's Enter a different world pic#3.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Harrod's Enter a different world pic#3.jpg (250.33 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Harrod's pic#1.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Harrod's pic#1.jpg (351.8 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Harrod's pic#2.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Harrod's pic#2.jpg (346.07 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Harrod's base variations.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Harrod's base variations.jpg (290.26 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Iranian promo pic#1.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Iranian promo pic#1.jpg (263.9 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Iranian promo pic#2.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Iranian promo pic#2.jpg (262.49 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Iranian promo pic#3.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Iranian promo pic#3.jpg (207.93 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Iranian promo pic#4.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Iranian promo pic#4.jpg (203.26 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Iranian promo pic#5.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Iranian promo pic#5.jpg (246.75 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London Dungeon interior variations.1jpg.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London Dungeon interior variations.1jpg.jpg (334.01 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London Dungeon side door variations.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London Dungeon side door variations.jpg (319.45 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London Dungeon red or dark red.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London Dungeon red or dark red.jpg (293.49 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London Dungeon pic#1.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London Dungeon pic#1.jpg (339.38 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London Dungeon pic#2.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London Dungeon pic#2.jpg (340.24 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London Dungeon pic#3.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London Dungeon pic#3.jpg (262.44 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London Dungeon pic#4.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London Dungeon pic#4.jpg (263.4 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London-Wide Tour-Bus pic#1.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London-Wide Tour-Bus pic#1.jpg (323.47 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London-Wide Tour-Bus pic#2.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London-Wide Tour-Bus pic#2.jpg (295.71 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London-Wide Tour-Bus pic#3.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London-Wide Tour-Bus pic#3.jpg (231.6 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London-Wide Tour-Bus pic#4.ajpg.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London-Wide Tour-Bus pic#4.ajpg.jpg (286.06 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London-Wide Tour-Bus pic#5.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) London-Wide Tour-Bus pic#5.jpg (274.05 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Nestle Milky Bar pic#1.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Nestle Milky Bar pic#1.jpg (308.76 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Nestle Milky Bar pic#2.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Nestle Milky Bar pic#2.jpg (312.83 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Nestle Milky Bar pic#3.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Nestle Milky Bar pic#3.jpg (259.37 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Nestle Milky Bar pic#4.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Nestle Milky Bar pic#4.jpg (294.74 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Nestle Milky Bar pic#5.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Nestle Milky Bar pic#5.jpg (288.48 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Display One pic#1.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Display One pic#1.jpg (334.59 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Display One pic#2.jpg
K15B The Londoner (Bus) Display One pic#2.jpg (351.91 KiB) Viewed 1232 times
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