Superfast 50th Anniversary.

British made Matchbox Superfast 1969-83
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Superfast 50th Anniversary.


To mark the 50th Anniversary of the Superfast range, Matchbox will release a special range of models in 2019. A premium set will feature 10 new castings, all with moving parts befitting a special anniversary collection.

Models known to be part of this series include...
Honda S2000, Range Rover, BMW i8 and Corvette C7, together with historical cars like a 1950’s VW Samba Bus and a 1960’s Mercedes 220 SE.

This is good news as it helps to keep the Matchbox 'Brand' alive but would we like to see some of the original castings making a comeback appearence and what original Superfast models should be re-introduced?

I would love to see...
#69, Rolls-Royce drophead coupe.
#25, Mk II Ford Cortina.
#5, Lotus Europa.
#22, Pontiac GP Sport.

For starters :D

jeff f
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Re: Superfast 50th Anniversary.

Post by jeff f »

hi, there is a new pointic gp in the 50th set, but nothing like the org, as is the mercedes, the vw camper has opening doors but on the left side as per lhd, and the door fittings are clumsy compared with the org green vw camper
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Re: Superfast 50th Anniversary.

Post by Squid »

Though I don't know if they're part of the anniversary set, I have recently seen a Pontiac Grand Prix, as well as a Volkswagen Fastback, at the Meijer not too far from my workplace. The Ford Cortina and Lotus Europa would be on my wish list, as would:

A Mark I Capri
The 62C Mercury Cougar
The 14D Iso Grifo
And an accurate, well-modelled Mark I Mini

I could probably think of others if given enough time.
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David Tilley
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Re: Superfast 50th Anniversary.

Post by David Tilley »

It is a little more involved than that.

The current Matchbox team have created a series of opening features models as these have been lacking in recent years. There are 2 levels of model. The basic+ level, which is basically a regular type of model, with the only difference being opening features. So far we have seen a retro style VW 1600TL in red and Pontiac Grand Prix Sports Coupe in purple, both featuring opening doors. A Nissan Xterra with opening rear was also released in the first trio batch. A Nissan 300ZX is hopefully in the pipeline for future batches, reminiscent of an older casting, but I think the others are just nice new castings of vehicles with cool opening features.

Alongside, there will be a premium level opening features with full tampo printing, and (mainly) 2-part wheels with rubber tyres. The exception is a Mercedes Benz 220SE which was in the style of the original from the 1960s, even in the dark maroon with grey wheels look. That was a real throwback to days of old, alongside a '59 VW Microbus with side opening middle doors, similar to the old Lesney edition. However, this wasn't silver, but in two-tone white over red. The others released alongside are new vehicles. There are plans for later on to recreate the old MB1 Dodge Challenger (stock look from the 1970s) and MB3 Porsche Turbo in later batches too. I believe there are 12 in this series planned too.

Finally, as a separate issue, they will be releasing a limited run of gold 50th Anniversary Superfast models in the basic range. However, this is exclusive to Target stores in USA which requested something unique. They will be sprinkled throughout the regular assortments during the year. None are of classic Matchbox in a sense, but simply classic vehicles (Hudson Hornet, Seagrave Fire Engine, BMW 2002 etc). Although I think there is a BMW i8 in there too.
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Re: Superfast 50th Anniversary.

Post by RSSierra »

Not sure on the release schedule of these worldwide, but the initial 4 have already showed up on our local auction site here in New Zealand.





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Re: Superfast 50th Anniversary.


Love the Mercedes 220 SE and can see that being a very popular seller regardles of it being part of the 50th series models.

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Re: Superfast 50th Anniversary.

Post by SuperFast »

The VW 1500 and the Mercedes 220 and the Pontiac can be found on eBay.
They look really great, if I can get them in our local stores I'll buy them.
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Re: Superfast 50th Anniversary.

Post by fixer »

it's a shame they will prove almost impossible to find in the UK :cry: :cry: