Standard Vanguard Car & Model Crane - advice please

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Standard Vanguard Car & Model Crane - advice please

Post by 2503jt »

Hello everyone,

I was hoping for a little advice on a couple of unboxed dinky items I found when clearing out my late father's house.

The crane, I think, is relatively straightforward – there appear to be several examples for sale on ebay and, given its condition, I don’t imagine it has much value.

The car is a bit more of a mystery as I can’t find anything in the same colour, so I wanted to check it out, just in case it’s a rare and valuable example!! It is a Standard Vanguard car in a dark turquoise colour; the wheels are the same colour. At some point, the marks on it have been touched up.

Any advice offered would be very gratefully received. I have attached some pictures but can post more if necessary.

Thank you very much in advance.
crane 2.png
crane 2.png (1.44 MiB) Viewed 2537 times
crane 1.png
crane 1.png (1.48 MiB) Viewed 2537 times
Vanguard 3.png
Vanguard 3.png (1.59 MiB) Viewed 2537 times
Vanguard 2.png
Vanguard 2.png (1.36 MiB) Viewed 2537 times
Vanguard 1.png
Vanguard 1.png (620.21 KiB) Viewed 2537 times
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Re: Standard Vanguard Car & Model Crane - advice please


The crane would be worth a few pounds as it is and would make a nice restoration project for someone.

The Standard Vangaurd seems to be a repaint as the whole underside including the base securing rivets which is not normal Dinky practice. The axle-ends would not normally be painted the same as the body and the silver trim also looks to be brighter than an original Dinky example.

As it is, it does not have a lot of value so again just a few pouinds for another rebuild project.

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Re: Standard Vanguard Car & Model Crane - advice please

Post by Idris »

I agree. The Standard appears to be a repaint.
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Re: Standard Vanguard Car & Model Crane - advice please

Post by 2503jt »

Thanks Ghosthunter and Idris, I appreciate your quick replies.

I suspected as much but if I hadn't checked it out, you could guarantee they would turn out to be the only valuable things in my Dad's loft!

Thanks again.
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Re: Standard Vanguard Car & Model Crane - advice please


Had the Vangaurd been the earlier version from 1948-49 with the open rear wheel arches and the back axle secured to the base with a special clip, it would be more valuable even as a repaint, but is it the later more common example.

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Re: Standard Vanguard Car & Model Crane - advice please

Post by 2503jt »
