Two photos for today as they are the same vehicle, a 1926 Morris Bullnose van produced by Oxford. The first (top - Lion Pepper) is #007G, a limited edition being 1 of 7500. The other (Jordans) is #009, also a Limited edition of 50,000.
A nice little car for today is the 1911 Maxwell Roadster (40th Anniversary Edition) #YMS06 from Matchbox. The Maxwell manufacturing company was considered one of the three top car makers in America along with Ford and General Motors. Maxwell was at the time the only profitable company producing cars. Eventually, however, it fell into debt after the recession in 1920 following WW1. Chrysler then took a major holding in the company the following year.
Next vehicle in my collection is from Guisval. It is a Lincoln "L" from 1928. This smart Spanish model has lots of nice detail and makes a lovely addition to the display cabinet. The Lincoln was the first vehicle to be produced by the company and the "L" was introduced in 1917. The company struggled after WW1 and was accused repeatedly of false tax evasion claims. The company was eventually sold to Henry Ford in 1921. Various models were made including a coupe. In 1927 the "L" got smaller wheels and four-wheel mechanical brakes became standard. The 1930's was the last year the "L" series model was made.
This 1938 Mercedes Benz 540K was produced by Matchbox in the Yesteryear series as #Y-20-1-10. First introduced in 1936, it was one of the largest cars in its time. A 580K was proposed but manufacture aborted after the outbreak of the war. Understood that only one was ever made. With some chassis still available, the 540K continued to be produced with the final two being built in 1940.
For something a little different this time I am showing the 1935 Morgan MX-4 Super Sport produced by Brumm - #R293-03.
The early cars were two-seat or four-seat three-wheelers, and are therefore considered to be cyclecars. Three-wheeled vehicles avoided the British tax on cars by being classified as motorcycles. Competition from small cars like the Austin 7 and the original Morris Minor, with comparable economy and price and better comfort, made cyclecars less attractive. Production of the three-wheelers continued until 1952.
Today's image is a model produced by Solido - #140. It is of a 1925 Panhard Levassor. The French Panhard company, one of the first to make cars, produced many vehicle types over the years. In 1925 a 4,800 cc (290 cu in) Panhard model set the world record for the fastest hour run, an average of 185.51 km/h (115.26 mph). Levassor himself was badly injured during a race while swerving to avoid a dog and died a year later in 1897. He was succeeded by Arthur Crebs as General Manager who made the company one of the most profitable before the war.
I hope that viewers are enjoying seeing some of the models from my collection. Not all are Matchbox models but they all fit my collecting interest and look good in the glass display cabinet. I am not so interested in the varieties or specialist types although it is nice to have one or two limited editions.
Today I am presenting another Matchbox model, the 1910 Renault Type AG in the Perrier Water scheme. #Y-25-1-A06 This water is a French brand of natural bottled mineral water captured at the source in Vergèze, located in the Gard département. Perrier is best known for its naturally occurring carbonation, distinctive green bottle, and higher levels of carbonation than its peers. It is still being sold today.
A model that is a little different from what I normally collect and a little lacking in detail. A Model T Ford truck in a circus colour scheme. It was produced by Oxford. Don't have any other info at present.
This post is of an IXO Models vehicle - #LM1923. It is of the 1923 Chenard & Walker #9 winner of the 1923 24 Hour race in Le Mans. Three cars from this French manufacturer entered the race and No 9 won but all three finished within the top seven placings.
The main reason for including this classic in my collection is that it was made in the year I was born. The 1949 Cadillac de Ville was produced by Road Signature.
'De Ville is French meaning 'of the town' and this was the first car to bear the name being a pillarless two-door hardtop body style with a prestige trim level above that of the Series 62 luxury coupe. A nice model to complement the others on the display shelves.