First up is the 1909 Itala 35-45 Hp by Dugu - #1.43 N6. Colour is not easy to see in this photo but it is dark green. In terms of full-size age, this is the earliest model in my collection so far.

Next is an example of the Model T Ford by Lledo - #DG006169. This is a limited edition model No. 1 of 500.

Now a Corgi model #C862 that is also a limited edition - No. 11,956 of 13,500. The vehicle is a 1910 12/16 Renault.

This 1936 Jaguar SS100 is a nice model by Matchbox - #Y-1-3-04 - and was released in 1977. DIfferent manufacturers produced a number of lookalikes, and I have some models of these that I will post in time. Here's the Jag.

The last model for this posting is the 1921 Austin Heavy Twelve by Oxford - AHT004. I love the kingfisher glue colour offset with the black trim. Actually, there is a story with this model. I originally purchased an example off the internet but it was very poorly handled by the courier and arrived in a very broken state - snapped out of the mounting stand, windscreen shattered....need I say more. I was very disappointed, to say the least. After receiving a refund, I did happen to find another example which is the one you see here.

More of my collection to come.....