RSSierra's Dinky Additions

Dinky toys by Meccano
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Re: RSSierra's Dinky Additions

Post by toysnz »

RSSierra wrote:You're right Ian it was very cheeky, but it has worked before. Being a collector himself selling his fathers collection this seller was certain of the need to let the auction run.

I was surprised more of the established collectors / buyers didn't bid in the end. Not complaining though, am very happy to get these!


I do know a few, like myself, don't bid against people they know (at least not on purpose)... :D
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Re: RSSierra's Dinky Additions

Post by RSSierra »

Thanks Ian... I try not to too, but if an item is rare or exceptionally good condition it's hard....
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Re: RSSierra's Dinky Additions


If you know a friend is going to be bidding for the same model(s) as yourself, a few private words between you can be of benefit as this will not cause high moneis to develop for the item. It does seem silly to be bidding against a close friend.This way at least the sucessful bidder can secure the model for a more managable price and at least both parties have access to the model and you never know, one day it may be offered to you in a private sale anyway!

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Re: RSSierra's Dinky Additions

Post by Idris »

Ahem...I could be wrong (it has been known :D ), but I think this thread is getting awfully close to promoting cartel formation (or something very similar) which, as we all know, is highly illegal.
I would therefore be most obliged if discussion of this particular sub-topic could cease with immediate effect.
Thank you!
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Re: RSSierra's Dinky Additions

Post by RSSierra »

Now there's something I didn't ever think I'd see, the Words Dinky and Cartel in the same sentence.

Surely there isn't a Diecast Anti-Competitive Agency. Sorry couldn't resist the oblique el-Chapo reference..... :P Tongue firmly in cheek Hugh!

Consequences and scale of this discussion surely couldn't raise the interest of any agency charged with monitoring of any form of legality.. Not that we are discussing any such collusion. We are talking vintage toy cars here.


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Re: RSSierra's Dinky Additions

Post by Idris »

We just need to be careful since I'm sure the website hosting company would take a dim view of anything illegal being openly discussed.
Can we leave it there please?
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Re: RSSierra's Dinky Additions

Post by RSSierra »

Of Course Hugh....Don't get me wrong I (we) appreciate the job you do!

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Re: RSSierra's Dinky Additions

Post by RSSierra »

Arrivals have slowed down as the bank account is digesting the purchase above.

This Pre War Tri-Porteur is exceptionally rare and not like the others I already have, anyone care to guess....




Lastly this time, I bought the lot below from Vectis a month or so ago.


Shipping to New Zealand was an exercise, but now I seem to have cornered the world market in original New Old Stock USS Enterprise Startship Photon Torpedos, F4 Phantom Drop Tanks, Zygon Missiles and other assorted missiles.





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Re: RSSierra's Dinky Additions

Post by Idris »

RSSierra wrote:This Pre War Tri-Porteur is exceptionally rare and not like the others I already have, anyone care to guess....
Could it be the fact that the driver is of a non-Caucasian persuasion?
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Re: RSSierra's Dinky Additions

Post by RSSierra »

Yep, got it in one Hugh......