K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers

Charlie P's stunning King Size and SuperKing model reviews
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K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers

Post by charliep »

K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers Issued 1966. All England castings.
Originally planned to be in the Major Pack range as #M7.
Changed to Superfast wheels in 1971.

Regular wheels:
Cab & base: Green or dark green.
Cab base: With or without tow guide.
Base types:
1. No braces under axle holder; no tow guide.
2. Vertical brace added under axle holder; no tow guide.
3. Vertical & horizontal braces under axle holder; no tow guide.
4. Vertical & horizontal braces under axle holder; with tow guide.

Underside of tipper (rear end):
1. With ridges & ejector mark.
2. Smooth, no ejector mark.
3. Smooth & ejector mark.

Tailgate area:
Type a. Open
Type b. Open with two corner webs
Type c. Closed with small opening in the middle.

Bumper & headlights: Silver.
Wheels: Black with red hubs.
Axle holder: Clear or light blue.
Windows: Green.
Labels: "Dodge Trucks". Letters in red or dark red. Also found thin or thick.
Superfast Wheels:
Cab: Yellow or dark yellow.
Tippers: Light blue.
Rear of tipper under tailgate:
Type b. Open with two corner webs
Type c. Closed with small opening in the middle.
Bumper & headlights: Silver.
Wheels: 4 spoke.
Axle covers: All black, lt.blue front axle/brown rear or lt.blue front axle/dk brown rear.
Windows: Green or dark green.
Labels: "Dodge Trucks". Letters in red or dark red.

Tippers: Light blue.
Rear of tipper under tailgate: Type A. Open with two corner webs or Type B. closed.
Base: Yellow or dark yellow.
Wheels: 4 spoke.
Axle covers: Dark brown, brown or black.
Tow bar: Black.
Labels: "Dodge Trucks". Letters in red or dark red.

1.Green cab/type 1 base/clr axle holder/dk.yel tipper/type 1 underside/type a tailgate area/"Dodge Trucks" in dk.red letters.
2.Green cab/type 2 base/clr axle holder/dk.yel tipper/type 2 underside/type b tailgate area/"Dodge Trucks" in red letters.
3.Green cab/type 2 base/clr axle holder/dk.yel tipper/type 2 underside/type b tailgate area/"Dodge Trucks" in dk.red letters.
4.Green cab/type 3 base/clr axle holder/dk.yel tipper/type 2 underside/type b tailgate area/"Dodge Trucks" in dk.red letters.
5.Green cab/type 3 base/blu tint axle holder/dk.yel tipper/type 2 underside/type b tailgate area/"Dodge Trucks" in red letters.
6.Green cab/type 3 base/clr axle holder/dk.yel tipper/type 3 underside/type b tailgate area/"Dodge Trucks" in thick red letters.
7.Green cab/type 4 base/blue tint axle holder/dk.yel tipper/type 3 underside/type b tailgate area/"Dodge trucks" in red letters.
8.Dk.green cab/type 4 base/blue tint axle holder/dk.yel tipper/type 3 underside/type b tailgate area/"Dodge Trucks" in red letters.
9.Dk.yellow cab & base/lt.blu tipper/lt.blu front & brn rear xle cvrs/type b tailgate/grn wind/Trailer w/brown xle cvrs/"Dodge Trucks" in red.
10.Yellow cab & base/lt.blu tipper/lt.blu front & dk.brn rear xle cvrs/typ c tailgate/grn wind/Trailer w/dk.brn xle cvrs/"Dodge Trucks" in dk.red.
11.Dk.yellow cab & base/lt.blu tipper/black front & rear axle covers/type c tailgate/grn wind/Trailer w/black axle covers/"Dodge Trucks" in red.
12.Dk.yellow cab & base/lt.blu tipper/black front & rear axle covers/type c tailgate/dk.grn wind/Trailer w/black axle covers/"Dodge Trucks" in red.
1.Green cab/type 1 base/clr axle holder/dk.yel tipper/type 1 underside/type a tailgate area/"Dodge Trucks" in dk.red letters.
1.Green cab/type 1 base/clr axle holder/dk.yel tipper/type 1 underside/type a tailgate area/"Dodge Trucks" in dk.red letters.
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers var#1.jpg (188.36 KiB) Viewed 382 times
2.Green cab/type 2 base/clr axle holder/dk.yel tipper/type 2 underside/type b tailgate area/"Dodge Trucks" in red letters.
2.Green cab/type 2 base/clr axle holder/dk.yel tipper/type 2 underside/type b tailgate area/"Dodge Trucks" in red letters.
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers var#2.jpg (190.29 KiB) Viewed 382 times
3.Green cab/type 2 base/clr axle holder/dk.yel tipper/type 2 underside/type b tailgate area/"Dodge Trucks" in dk.red letters.
3.Green cab/type 2 base/clr axle holder/dk.yel tipper/type 2 underside/type b tailgate area/"Dodge Trucks" in dk.red letters.
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers var#3.jpg (189.49 KiB) Viewed 382 times
4.Green cab/type 3 base/clr axle holder/dk.yel tipper/type 2 underside/type b tailgate area/"Dodge Trucks" in dk.red letters.
4.Green cab/type 3 base/clr axle holder/dk.yel tipper/type 2 underside/type b tailgate area/"Dodge Trucks" in dk.red letters.
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers var#4.jpg (193.4 KiB) Viewed 382 times
5.Green cab/type 3 base/blu tint axle holder/dk.yel tipper/type 2 underside/type b tailgate area/"Dodge Trucks" in red letters.
5.Green cab/type 3 base/blu tint axle holder/dk.yel tipper/type 2 underside/type b tailgate area/"Dodge Trucks" in red letters.
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers var#5.jpg (185.07 KiB) Viewed 382 times
6.Green cab/type 3 base/clr axle holder/dk.yel tipper/type 3 underside/type b tailgate area/"Dodge Trucks" in thick red letters.
6.Green cab/type 3 base/clr axle holder/dk.yel tipper/type 3 underside/type b tailgate area/"Dodge Trucks" in thick red letters.
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers var#6.jpg (189.92 KiB) Viewed 382 times
7.Green cab/type 4 base/blue tint axle holder/dk.yel tipper/type 3 underside/type b tailgate area/"Dodge trucks" in red letters.
7.Green cab/type 4 base/blue tint axle holder/dk.yel tipper/type 3 underside/type b tailgate area/"Dodge trucks" in red letters.
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers var#7.jpg (192.69 KiB) Viewed 382 times
8.Dk.green cab/type 4 base/blue tint axle holder/dk.yel tipper/type 3 underside/type b tailgate area/"Dodge Trucks" in red letters.
8.Dk.green cab/type 4 base/blue tint axle holder/dk.yel tipper/type 3 underside/type b tailgate area/"Dodge Trucks" in red letters.
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers var#8.jpg (186.11 KiB) Viewed 382 times
9.Dk.yellow cab & base/lt.blu tipper/lt.blu front & brn rear xle cvrs/type b tailgate/grn wind/Trailer w/brown xle cvrs/"Dodge Trucks"  in red.
9.Dk.yellow cab & base/lt.blu tipper/lt.blu front & brn rear xle cvrs/type b tailgate/grn wind/Trailer w/brown xle cvrs/"Dodge Trucks" in red.
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers var#9.jpg (188 KiB) Viewed 382 times
10.Yellow cab & base/lt.blu tipper/lt.blu front & dk.brn rear xle cvrs/typ c tailgate/grn wind/Trailer w/dk.brn xle cvrs/"Dodge Trucks" in dk.red.
10.Yellow cab & base/lt.blu tipper/lt.blu front & dk.brn rear xle cvrs/typ c tailgate/grn wind/Trailer w/dk.brn xle cvrs/"Dodge Trucks" in dk.red.
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers var#10.jpg (193.31 KiB) Viewed 382 times
11.Dk.yellow cab & base/lt.blu tipper/black front & rear axle covers/type c tailgate/grn wind/Trailer w/black axle covers/"Dodge Trucks" in red.
11.Dk.yellow cab & base/lt.blu tipper/black front & rear axle covers/type c tailgate/grn wind/Trailer w/black axle covers/"Dodge Trucks" in red.
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers var#11.jpg (182.69 KiB) Viewed 382 times
12.Dk.yellow cab & base/lt.blu tipper/black front & rear axle covers/type c tailgate/dk.grn wind/Trailer w/black axle covers/"Dodge Trucks" in red.
12.Dk.yellow cab & base/lt.blu tipper/black front & rear axle covers/type c tailgate/dk.grn wind/Trailer w/black axle covers/"Dodge Trucks" in red.
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers var#12.jpg (190.42 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers green or dark green pic#1.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers green or dark green pic#1.jpg (230.99 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers green or dark green base.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers green or dark green base.jpg (228.67 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers variations underneath rear of tipper pic#2b.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers variations underneath rear of tipper pic#2b.jpg (194.29 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers variations of tailgates of regular wheels trailer tipper.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers variations of tailgates of regular wheels trailer tipper.jpg (165.15 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers variations underneath rear of tipper pic#1b.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers variations underneath rear of tipper pic#1b.jpg (218.18 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers  variations of tractor trailer tailgate area.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers variations of tractor trailer tailgate area.jpg (203.66 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers  variations of trailer tailgate area.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers variations of trailer tailgate area.jpg (194.36 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers variations of tailgates of regular wheels tractor tipper.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers variations of tailgates of regular wheels tractor tipper.jpg (159.4 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers variations of tailgates of regular wheels trailer tipper.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers variations of tailgates of regular wheels trailer tipper.jpg (165.15 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers variations of tailgates of tractor tipper.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers variations of tailgates of tractor tipper.jpg (176.93 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers with or without tow guide.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers with or without tow guide.jpg (203.13 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers labels with thin or thick letters.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers labels with thin or thick letters.jpg (224.43 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers green & yellow with red or dark red letters.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers green & yellow with red or dark red letters.jpg (225.7 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers clr or blue tint axle holder  pic#1.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers clr or blue tint axle holder pic#1.jpg (216.25 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers clr or blue tint axle holder pic#2.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers clr or blue tint axle holder pic#2.jpg (241.13 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers trailer base variations.1jpg.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers trailer base variations.1jpg.jpg (238.32 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers base variations pic#2.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers base variations pic#2.jpg (265.39 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers green & yellow group pic#1.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers green & yellow group pic#1.jpg (201.88 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers green & yellow group pic#2.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers green & yellow group pic#2.jpg (194.35 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers  green or dark green windows.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers green or dark green windows.jpg (197.83 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers  yellow or dark yellow cab pic#1.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers yellow or dark yellow cab pic#1.jpg (196.95 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers  yellow or dark yellow cab pic#2.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers yellow or dark yellow cab pic#2.jpg (187.69 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers tailgate area variation pic#1b.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers tailgate area variation pic#1b.jpg (244.8 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers variations of trailer tailgate area.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers variations of trailer tailgate area.jpg (177.3 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers blk xle covers with red or dark red letters.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers blk xle covers with red or dark red letters.jpg (229.1 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers cab base variations.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers cab base variations.jpg (257.42 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers trailer base variations.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers trailer base variations.jpg (230.14 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers blue & yellow group pic#1.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers blue & yellow group pic#1.jpg (218.47 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers blue & yellow group pic#2.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers blue & yellow group pic#2.jpg (220.71 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers blue & yellow group pic#3.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers blue & yellow group pic#3.jpg (223.02 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers blue & yellow group pic#4.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers blue & yellow group pic#4.jpg (188.5 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers box pic#1a.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers box pic#1a.jpg (200 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers box pic#1b.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers box pic#1b.jpg (198.4 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers box pic#2a.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers box pic#2a.jpg (214.18 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers box pic#2b.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers box pic#2b.jpg (219.04 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers box pic#3.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers box pic#3.jpg (179.21 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers box pic#4a.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers box pic#4a.jpg (214.17 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers box pic#4b.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers box pic#4b.jpg (213.79 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers boxes pic#5a.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers boxes pic#5a.jpg (237.29 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers boxes pic#5b.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers boxes pic#5b.jpg (250 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers boxes pic#5c.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers boxes pic#5c.jpg (247.8 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers group pic#1.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers group pic#1.jpg (227.41 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers group pic#2.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers group pic#2.jpg (223.64 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers group pic#3.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers group pic#3.jpg (235.59 KiB) Viewed 382 times
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers group pic#4.jpg
K16A Dodge Tractor with Twin Tippers group pic#4.jpg (218.15 KiB) Viewed 382 times
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