K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer
K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer
K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer. Issued 1967. All England castings.
Converted to Superfast wheels in 1970.
Cab: Green, lime green, fluorescent red, red or dark red.
Base: Unpainted (Unp) or silver; with or without No. K17. Pat applied, could be without or with tow guides.
Also be found with or without 10 cast lines.
Wheels: Black Plastic Wheels (BPT) with red hubs or five spoke wheels.
Axle springs: Clear, light green, dark green, bluish green or blue.
Windows: Clear or green.
Dome light: Amber or red.
Decals: "Laing" "4 men" or "Taylor Woodrow" (TW). Four men (thin or thick).
Trailer: Green, light lime green or lime green.
Trailer casting: Type (a) without strengthener & without triangular web on trailer edge.
Type (b) with additional strengthener cast area next to locking pin & with web on trailer edge.
Trailer axle spring (regular wheels): Clear or white.
Trailer axle spring brace: With or without.
Trailer axle cover (superfast wheels): Translucent white or black. Found also reversed.
Trailer rivet: Plated or unplated.
Bulldozer: Red/yellow, red/dk.yellow; lt.orange/yellow or dk.orange/yellow.
Cab: 2 types. 1. With front opening 2. Without opening.
Cast area outside tracks & rollers: Type (a) No reinforcement, type (b) short or type (c) long.
Stacks: Two or one.
Tracks: Green or black.
Rollers: Yellow, red or black.
Decal area on cab: Early versions without decal guides. Later had decal guides.
Decals: "Laing" "4 men" & "Taylor Woodrow".
Four men decal can be found small or large; thin or thick; also leaning fwd (LF) or leaning aft (LA).
1. Grn cab/unp K17 bas/BPT/red hubs/clr xle sprg/Laing dcls/grn trlr typ a/clr xle sprg/no brace/red & yel dozer/2 stacks/typ 1 cab/yel rollers/typ a/grn trks/Laing dcls/no guide.
2. Grn cab/unp K17 bas/BPT/red hubs/clr xle sprg/Laing dcls/grn trlr typ a/clr xle sprg/no brace/red & yel dozer/2 stacks/typ 1 cab/red rollers/typ b/grn trks/Laing dcls/no guide.
3. Grn cab/unp K17 bas/BPT/red hubs/clr xle sprg/Laing dcls/grn trlr typ b/clr xle sprg/no brace/red & yel dozer/2 stacks/typ 1 cab/red rollers/typ b/grn trks/Laing dcls/no guide.
4. Grn cab/unp K17 bas/BPT/red hubs/clr xle sprg/Laing dcls/grn trlr typ a/clr xle sprg/no brace/red &dk.yel dozer/1 stack/typ 1 cab/red rollers/typ b/grn trks/Laing dcls/no guide.
5. Grn cab/org dom/sil K17 smooth bas/BPT/red hubs/clr xle sprg/Laing dcls/grn trl typ a/clr xle sprg no brace/red & yel dozer/1 stk/typ 1 cab/red rollers/typ b/grn trks/Laing dcls/cast guide.
6. Grn cab/unp K17 bas/BPT/red hubs/clr xle sprg/Laing dcls/grn trlr typ a/clr xle sprg w/brace/red & yel dozer/1 stack/typ 1 cab/red rollers/typ b/grn trks/Laing dcls/cast guide.
7. Grn cab/unp K17 bas/BPT/red hubs/clr xle sprg/lrg 4 men & TW dcls/grn trlr typ b/clr xle sprg w/brace/red &yel dozer/1 stk/typ1 cab/yel rol/typ b/grn trks/lrg 4 men LF & TW dcls.
8. Grn cab/unp bas/BPT/red hubs/blu grn xle sprg/lrg 4 men & TW dcls/grn trlr typ a/clr xle sprg w/brace/red &yel dozer/1 stk/typ1 cab/yel rol/typ b/grn trks/lrg 4 men LA & TW dcls.
9. Grn cab/unp base/BPT/red hubs/blu xle sprg/4 men & TW dcls/grn trlr typ a/wht xle sprg/red &yel dozer/1 stack/typ 2 cab/yel rollers/typ b/grn trks/4 men & TW dcls.
10.Grn cab/unp base/BPT/red hubs/blu xle sprg/4 men & TW dcls/grn trlr typ a/clr xle sprg w/brace/red &yel dozer/1 stk/typ2 cab/yel rollers/typ b/grn trks/4 men LA & TW dcls.
11.Grn cab/silh base/BPT/red hubs/clr xle sprg/4 men & TW dcls/grn tlr typ a/wht xle sprg/red &yel dozer/1 stack/typ 2 cab/yel rollers/typ b/grn trks/4 men & TW dcls.
12.Grn cab/unp base/BPT/red hubs/clr xle sprg/4 men & TW dcls/grn tlr typ a/wht xle sprg/red &yel dozer/1 stack/typ 2 cab/yel rollers/typ b/grn trks/4 men & TW dcls.
13.Grn cab/unp base/BPT/red hubs/lt.grn xle sprg/4 men & TW dcls/grn tlr typ a/wht xle sprg/red &yel dozer/1 stack/typ 2 cab/yel rollers/typ c/grn trks/4 men & TW dcls.
14.Grn cab/unp base/BPT/red hubs/dk.grn xle sprg/4 men & TW dcls/grn tlr typ a/wht xle sprg/red &yel dozer/1 stack/typ 2 cab/yel rollers/typ c/grn trks/4 men & TW dcls.
15.Lime grn cab/sil base/5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Trailer in lime grn/plated rivet/blk xle cvr f.fwd/org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/grn trks/4 men (thin)& TW dcls.
16.Lime grn cab/sil base/5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.aft/Trailer in lime grn/plated rivet/blk xle cvr f.fwd/org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/grn trks/4 men (thin)& TW dcls.
17.Lime grn cab/sil base/5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Trailer in lime grn/unplated rivet/blk xle cvr f.fwd/org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/grn trks/4 men (thick)& TW dcls.
18.Fluorescent red cab/sil base/5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.aft/Trailer in lime grn/unplated rivet/blk xle cvr f.fwd/org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/grn tracks/4 men & TW dcls.
19.Fluorescent red cab/sil base/5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.aft/Trailer in lime grn/unplated rivet/blk xle cvr f.aft/org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/grn tracks/4 men & TW dcls.
20.Fluorescent red cab/sil base/5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Trailer in lime grn/unplated rivet/tran.wht xle cvr f.fwd/lt.org &yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/grn trks/4 men & TW dcls.
21.Red cab/sil base/ 5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Trailer in light lime grn/unplated rivet/blk xle cvr f.aft/dk.org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/grn trks/4 men & TW dcls.
22.Dk.red cab/sil base/ 5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Trailer in lime grn/unplated rivet/blk xle cvr f.fwd/dk.org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/grn trks/4 men & TW dcls.
23.Dk.red cab/sil base/ 5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Trailer in lime grn/unplated rivet/blk xle cvr f.aft/dk.org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/grn trks/4 men & TW dcls.
24.Dk.red cab/sil base/5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Trailer in light lime grn/plated rivet/blk xle cvr f.fwd/lt.org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/blk trks/4 men & TW dcls/no rear guide.
25.Dk.red cab/sil base/5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Trailer in lime grn/plated rivet/blk xle cvr f.fwd/dk.org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/blk trks/4 men & TW dcls/no rear guide.
26.Dk.red cab/sil base/5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Trailer in lime grn/plated rivet/blk xle cvr f.aft/dk.org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/blk trks/4 men & TW dcls/no rear guide.
Converted to Superfast wheels in 1970.
Cab: Green, lime green, fluorescent red, red or dark red.
Base: Unpainted (Unp) or silver; with or without No. K17. Pat applied, could be without or with tow guides.
Also be found with or without 10 cast lines.
Wheels: Black Plastic Wheels (BPT) with red hubs or five spoke wheels.
Axle springs: Clear, light green, dark green, bluish green or blue.
Windows: Clear or green.
Dome light: Amber or red.
Decals: "Laing" "4 men" or "Taylor Woodrow" (TW). Four men (thin or thick).
Trailer: Green, light lime green or lime green.
Trailer casting: Type (a) without strengthener & without triangular web on trailer edge.
Type (b) with additional strengthener cast area next to locking pin & with web on trailer edge.
Trailer axle spring (regular wheels): Clear or white.
Trailer axle spring brace: With or without.
Trailer axle cover (superfast wheels): Translucent white or black. Found also reversed.
Trailer rivet: Plated or unplated.
Bulldozer: Red/yellow, red/dk.yellow; lt.orange/yellow or dk.orange/yellow.
Cab: 2 types. 1. With front opening 2. Without opening.
Cast area outside tracks & rollers: Type (a) No reinforcement, type (b) short or type (c) long.
Stacks: Two or one.
Tracks: Green or black.
Rollers: Yellow, red or black.
Decal area on cab: Early versions without decal guides. Later had decal guides.
Decals: "Laing" "4 men" & "Taylor Woodrow".
Four men decal can be found small or large; thin or thick; also leaning fwd (LF) or leaning aft (LA).
1. Grn cab/unp K17 bas/BPT/red hubs/clr xle sprg/Laing dcls/grn trlr typ a/clr xle sprg/no brace/red & yel dozer/2 stacks/typ 1 cab/yel rollers/typ a/grn trks/Laing dcls/no guide.
2. Grn cab/unp K17 bas/BPT/red hubs/clr xle sprg/Laing dcls/grn trlr typ a/clr xle sprg/no brace/red & yel dozer/2 stacks/typ 1 cab/red rollers/typ b/grn trks/Laing dcls/no guide.
3. Grn cab/unp K17 bas/BPT/red hubs/clr xle sprg/Laing dcls/grn trlr typ b/clr xle sprg/no brace/red & yel dozer/2 stacks/typ 1 cab/red rollers/typ b/grn trks/Laing dcls/no guide.
4. Grn cab/unp K17 bas/BPT/red hubs/clr xle sprg/Laing dcls/grn trlr typ a/clr xle sprg/no brace/red &dk.yel dozer/1 stack/typ 1 cab/red rollers/typ b/grn trks/Laing dcls/no guide.
5. Grn cab/org dom/sil K17 smooth bas/BPT/red hubs/clr xle sprg/Laing dcls/grn trl typ a/clr xle sprg no brace/red & yel dozer/1 stk/typ 1 cab/red rollers/typ b/grn trks/Laing dcls/cast guide.
6. Grn cab/unp K17 bas/BPT/red hubs/clr xle sprg/Laing dcls/grn trlr typ a/clr xle sprg w/brace/red & yel dozer/1 stack/typ 1 cab/red rollers/typ b/grn trks/Laing dcls/cast guide.
7. Grn cab/unp K17 bas/BPT/red hubs/clr xle sprg/lrg 4 men & TW dcls/grn trlr typ b/clr xle sprg w/brace/red &yel dozer/1 stk/typ1 cab/yel rol/typ b/grn trks/lrg 4 men LF & TW dcls.
8. Grn cab/unp bas/BPT/red hubs/blu grn xle sprg/lrg 4 men & TW dcls/grn trlr typ a/clr xle sprg w/brace/red &yel dozer/1 stk/typ1 cab/yel rol/typ b/grn trks/lrg 4 men LA & TW dcls.
9. Grn cab/unp base/BPT/red hubs/blu xle sprg/4 men & TW dcls/grn trlr typ a/wht xle sprg/red &yel dozer/1 stack/typ 2 cab/yel rollers/typ b/grn trks/4 men & TW dcls.
10.Grn cab/unp base/BPT/red hubs/blu xle sprg/4 men & TW dcls/grn trlr typ a/clr xle sprg w/brace/red &yel dozer/1 stk/typ2 cab/yel rollers/typ b/grn trks/4 men LA & TW dcls.
11.Grn cab/silh base/BPT/red hubs/clr xle sprg/4 men & TW dcls/grn tlr typ a/wht xle sprg/red &yel dozer/1 stack/typ 2 cab/yel rollers/typ b/grn trks/4 men & TW dcls.
12.Grn cab/unp base/BPT/red hubs/clr xle sprg/4 men & TW dcls/grn tlr typ a/wht xle sprg/red &yel dozer/1 stack/typ 2 cab/yel rollers/typ b/grn trks/4 men & TW dcls.
13.Grn cab/unp base/BPT/red hubs/lt.grn xle sprg/4 men & TW dcls/grn tlr typ a/wht xle sprg/red &yel dozer/1 stack/typ 2 cab/yel rollers/typ c/grn trks/4 men & TW dcls.
14.Grn cab/unp base/BPT/red hubs/dk.grn xle sprg/4 men & TW dcls/grn tlr typ a/wht xle sprg/red &yel dozer/1 stack/typ 2 cab/yel rollers/typ c/grn trks/4 men & TW dcls.
15.Lime grn cab/sil base/5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Trailer in lime grn/plated rivet/blk xle cvr f.fwd/org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/grn trks/4 men (thin)& TW dcls.
16.Lime grn cab/sil base/5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.aft/Trailer in lime grn/plated rivet/blk xle cvr f.fwd/org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/grn trks/4 men (thin)& TW dcls.
17.Lime grn cab/sil base/5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Trailer in lime grn/unplated rivet/blk xle cvr f.fwd/org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/grn trks/4 men (thick)& TW dcls.
18.Fluorescent red cab/sil base/5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.aft/Trailer in lime grn/unplated rivet/blk xle cvr f.fwd/org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/grn tracks/4 men & TW dcls.
19.Fluorescent red cab/sil base/5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.aft/Trailer in lime grn/unplated rivet/blk xle cvr f.aft/org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/grn tracks/4 men & TW dcls.
20.Fluorescent red cab/sil base/5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Trailer in lime grn/unplated rivet/tran.wht xle cvr f.fwd/lt.org &yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/grn trks/4 men & TW dcls.
21.Red cab/sil base/ 5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Trailer in light lime grn/unplated rivet/blk xle cvr f.aft/dk.org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/grn trks/4 men & TW dcls.
22.Dk.red cab/sil base/ 5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Trailer in lime grn/unplated rivet/blk xle cvr f.fwd/dk.org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/grn trks/4 men & TW dcls.
23.Dk.red cab/sil base/ 5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Trailer in lime grn/unplated rivet/blk xle cvr f.aft/dk.org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/grn trks/4 men & TW dcls.
24.Dk.red cab/sil base/5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Trailer in light lime grn/plated rivet/blk xle cvr f.fwd/lt.org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/blk trks/4 men & TW dcls/no rear guide.
25.Dk.red cab/sil base/5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Trailer in lime grn/plated rivet/blk xle cvr f.fwd/dk.org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/blk trks/4 men & TW dcls/no rear guide.
26.Dk.red cab/sil base/5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Trailer in lime grn/plated rivet/blk xle cvr f.aft/dk.org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/blk trks/4 men & TW dcls/no rear guide.
- Attachments
- 1. Grn cab/unp K17 bas/BPT/red hubs/clr xle sprg/Laing dcls/grn trlr typ a/clr xle sprg/no brace/red & yel dozer/2 stacks/typ 1 cab/yel rollers/typ a/grn trks/Laing dcls/no guide.
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer var#1.jpg (201.47 KiB) Viewed 4246 times
- 2. Grn cab/unp K17 bas/BPT/red hubs/clr xle sprg/Laing dcls/grn trlr typ a/clr xle sprg/no brace/red & yel dozer/2 stacks/typ 1 cab/red rollers/typ b/grn trks/Laing dcls/no guide.
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer var#2.jpg (191.85 KiB) Viewed 4246 times
- 3. Grn cab/unp K17 bas/BPT/red hubs/clr xle sprg/Laing dcls/grn trlr typ b/clr xle sprg/no brace/red & yel dozer/2 stacks/typ 1 cab/red rollers/typ b/grn trks/Laing dcls/no guide.
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer var#3.jpg (203.61 KiB) Viewed 4246 times
- 4. Grn cab/unp K17 bas/BPT/red hubs/clr xle sprg/Laing dcls/grn trlr typ a/clr xle sprg/no brace/red &dk.yel dozer/1 stack/typ 1 cab/red rollers/typ b/grn trks/Laing dcls/no guide.
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer var#4.jpg (194.71 KiB) Viewed 4268 times
- 5. Grn cab/org dom/sil K17 smooth bas/BPT/red hubs/clr xle sprg/Laing dcls/grn trl typ a/clr xle sprg no brace/red & yel dozer/1 stk/typ 1 cab/red rollers/typ b/grn trks/Laing dcls/cast guide.
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer var#5.jpg (204.56 KiB) Viewed 4268 times
- 6. Grn cab/unp K17 bas/BPT/red hubs/clr xle sprg/Laing dcls/grn trlr typ a/clr xle sprg w/brace/red & yel dozer/1 stack/typ 1 cab/red rollers/typ b/grn trks/Laing dcls/cast guide.
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer var#6.jpg (196.92 KiB) Viewed 4268 times
- 7. Grn cab/unp K17 bas/BPT/red hubs/clr xle sprg/lrg 4 men & TW dcls/grn trlr typ b/clr xle sprg w/brace/red &yel dozer/1 stk/typ1 cab/yel rol/typ b/grn trks/lrg 4 men LF & TW dcls.
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer var#7.jpg (192.33 KiB) Viewed 4268 times
- 8. Grn cab/unp bas/BPT/red hubs/blu grn xle sprg/lrg 4 men & TW dcls/grn trlr typ a/clr xle sprg w/brace/red &yel dozer/1 stk/typ1 cab/yel rol/typ b/grn trks/lrg 4 men LA & TW dcls.
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer var#8.jpg (188.09 KiB) Viewed 4268 times
- 9. Grn cab/unp base/BPT/red hubs/blu xle sprg/4 men & TW dcls/grn trlr typ a/wht xle sprg/red &yel dozer/1 stack/typ 2 cab/yel rollers/typ b/grn trks/4 men & TW dcls.
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer var#9.jpg (195.6 KiB) Viewed 4268 times
- 10.Grn cab/unp base/BPT/red hubs/blu xle sprg/4 men & TW dcls/grn trlr typ a/clr xle sprg w/brace/red &yel dozer/1 stk/typ2 cab/yel rollers/typ b/grn trks/4 men LA & TW dcls.
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer var#10.jpg (190.27 KiB) Viewed 4268 times
- 11.Grn cab/sil base/BPT/red hubs/clr xle sprg/4 men & TW dcls/grn tlr typ a/wht xle sprg/red &yel dozer/1 stack/typ 2 cab/yel rollers/typ b/grn trks/4 men & TW dcls.
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer var#11.jpg (194.97 KiB) Viewed 4268 times
- 12.Grn cab/unp base/BPT/red hubs/clr xle sprg/4 men & TW dcls/grn tlr typ a/wht xle sprg/red &yel dozer/1 stack/typ 2 cab/yel rollers/typ b/grn trks/4 men & TW dcls.
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer var#12.jpg (197.66 KiB) Viewed 4268 times
- 13.Grn cab/unp base/BPT/red hubs/lt.grn xle sprg/4 men & TW dcls/grn tlr typ a/wht xle sprg/red &yel dozer/1 stack/typ 2 cab/yel rollers/typ c/grn trks/4 men & TW dcls.
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer var#13.jpg (189.59 KiB) Viewed 4268 times
- 14.Grn cab/unp base/BPT/red hubs/dk.grn xle sprg/4 men & TW dcls/grn tlr typ a/wht xle sprg/red &yel dozer/1 stack/typ 2 cab/yel rollers/typ c/grn trks/4 men & TW dcls.
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer var#14.jpg (200.05 KiB) Viewed 4268 times
- 15.Lime grn cab/sil base/5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Trailer in lime grn/plated rivet/blk xle cvr f.fwd/org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/grn trks/4 men (thin)& TW dcls.
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer var#15.jpg (201.31 KiB) Viewed 4268 times
- 16.Lime grn cab/sil base/5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.aft/Trailer in lime grn/plated rivet/blk xle cvr f.fwd/org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/grn trks/4 men (thin)& TW dcls.
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer var#16.jpg (198.37 KiB) Viewed 4268 times
- 17.Lime grn cab/sil base/5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Trailer in lime grn/unplated rivet/blk xle cvr f.fwd/org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/grn trks/4 men (thick)& TW dcls.
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer var#17.jpg (208.3 KiB) Viewed 4268 times
- 18.Fluorescent red cab/sil base/5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.aft/Trailer in lime grn/unplated rivet/blk xle cvr f.fwd/org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/grn tracks/4 men & TW dcls.
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer var#18.jpg (214.7 KiB) Viewed 4268 times
- 19.Fluorescent red cab/sil base/5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.aft/Trailer in lime grn/unplated rivet/blk xle cvr f.aft/org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/grn tracks/4 men & TW dcls.
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer var#19.jpg (211.13 KiB) Viewed 4268 times
- 20.Fluorescent red cab/sil base/5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Trailer in lime grn/unplated rivet/tran.wht xle cvr f.fwd/lt.org &yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/grn trks/4 men & TW dcls.
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer var#20.jpg (190.34 KiB) Viewed 4268 times
- 21.Red cab/sil base/ 5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Trailer in light lime grn/unplated rivet/blk xle cvr f.aft/dk.org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/grn trks/4 men & TW dcls.
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer var#21.jpg (219.58 KiB) Viewed 4268 times
- 22.Dk.red cab/sil base/ 5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Trailer in lime grn/unplated rivet/blk xle cvr f.fwd/dk.org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/grn trks/4 men & TW dcls.
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer var#22.jpg (208.78 KiB) Viewed 4268 times
- 23.Dk.red cab/sil base/ 5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Trailer in lime grn/unplated rivet/blk xle cvr f.aft/dk.org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/grn trks/4 men & TW dcls.
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer var#23.jpg (213.3 KiB) Viewed 4268 times
- 24.Dk.red cab/sil base/5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Trailer in light lime grn/plated rivet/blk xle cvr f.fwd/lt.org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/blk trks/4 men & TW dcls/no rear guide.
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer var#24.jpg (206 KiB) Viewed 4268 times
- 25.Dk.red cab/sil base/5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Trailer in lime grn/plated rivet/blk xle cvr f.fwd/dk.org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/blk trks/4 men & TW dcls/no rear guide.
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer var#25.jpg (197.39 KiB) Viewed 4268 times
- 26.Dk.red cab/sil base/5 spk whls/blk xle cvr f.fwd/Trailer in lime grn/plated rivet/blk xle cvr f.aft/dk.org & yel dozer/typ2 cab/blk rollers/blk trks/4 men & TW dcls/no rear guide.
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer var#26.jpg (193.26 KiB) Viewed 4268 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer amber or red dome light.jpg (195.77 KiB) Viewed 4268 times
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer regular wheels group pic#1.jpg (236.33 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer regular wheels group pic#2.jpg (244.21 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer regular wheels group pic#4.jpg (234.27 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer all lime body decal vars. 4 men small or large pic#1.jpg (208.03 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer all lime body decal vars. 4 men small or large pic#2.jpg (206.23 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer all lime body base variations.jpg (223.9 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer all lime body pic#1.jpg (219.78 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer all lime body pic#2.jpg (213.43 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer all lime body pic#3.jpg (213.11 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer all lime body pic#4.jpg (215.66 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer fluorescent cab base variations.jpg (231.04 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer fluorescent cab group pic#1.jpg (209.53 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer fluorescent cab group pic#2.jpg (220.89 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer fluorescent cab group pic#3.jpg (228.96 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer fluorescent cab group pic#4.jpg (196.42 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer black tracks no rear decal guide.jpg (213.9 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer light lime or lime trailer.jpg (229.9 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer red or dk red cabs with unpainted pivot decal variations.jpg (210.85 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer red or dk red cabs with unpainted pivot.jpg (237.49 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer red cabs painted pivot group picture.jpg (232.17 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer decal variations 4 men small or large pic#2.jpg (180.03 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer decal variations 4 men small or large.jpg (210.14 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer decal variations.jpg (198.19 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer large or small ejector marks pic#2.jpg (242.26 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer tractor axle holder variations.jpg (237.66 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer base with or without K17 large decals on cab.jpg (234.67 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer base with or without K-17.jpg (260.08 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer cab base silver or unpainted.jpg (234.73 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer locking pin with additional strengthener pic#2.jpg (187.4 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer trailer axle springs with or without cast line pic#2.jpg (224.95 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer type a trailer with diff axle springs.jpg (206.83 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer one or two stacks.jpg (207.31 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer base.jpg (226.9 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer variations of bulldozer pic#1.jpg (192.14 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer in light or dark orange.jpg (202.96 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer yellow or red rollers.jpg (206.66 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer with green or black tracks.jpg (215.62 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer with or without rear decal guide pic#1.jpg (196.23 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer 4 men white decal right side view pic#1.jpg (205.5 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer 4 men white decal left side view pic#2.jpg (195.51 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer 4 men white decal rear view pic#3.jpg (203.07 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer one stack red rollers yellow or dark yellow canopy.jpg (209.08 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer short or long roller guide pic#2a.jpg (232.18 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer short or long roller guide pic#1c.jpg (228.82 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer cab with or without front opening.1jpg.jpg (184.91 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer 4 men white decal bulldozer cabs.jpg (214.52 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low loader with bulldozer cab yellow or dk.yellow.jpg (206.71 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer box pic#1a.jpg (214.04 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer box pic#1b.jpg (204.02 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer box pic#2a.jpg (216.33 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer box pic#2b.jpg (249.23 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer box pic#3a.jpg (225.71 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer box pic#3b.jpg (232.95 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer box pic#4a.jpg (229.19 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer box pic#4b.jpg (232.33 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer box pic#5a.jpg (246.21 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer box pic#5b.jpg (223.7 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer group pic#1.jpg (275.82 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer group pic#2.jpg (274.82 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer group pic#3.jpg (228 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer group pic#4.jpg (267.34 KiB) Viewed 4388 times
Last edited by charliep on Mon Jul 01, 2019 11:16 pm, edited 8 times in total.
- Posts: 626
- Joined: Mon Sep 16, 2013 3:21 am
- Location: Aust
Re: K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer
This is quite an undertaking to photograph all these models and the second last picture of the side view of your fleet is stunning.
A very time consuming bit of work to put all this together.
This model has some great development stories.
Another great post Charlie, must be time to recharge those camera batteries after this.
A very time consuming bit of work to put all this together.
This model has some great development stories.
Another great post Charlie, must be time to recharge those camera batteries after this.
- Posts: 626
- Joined: Mon Sep 16, 2013 3:21 am
- Location: Aust
Re: K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer
Hi Charlie and all,
Here are two images of my earliest production model Case Dozer for the K17a. I have circled the two sections where the casting was made a little stronger on later models. You can see from the image where the roller cover is bent as to why they soon added reinforcement to this area.
This will add another Case Dozer body type to the production models, but do not edit your list just yet, I will send you some other detail Charlie.
The K17A started out in design and development days as K8. It is thought that Ford D Series Dyson Low Loader was to follow the K8A Scammell Transporter but for some reason the model that replaced the K8A Scammell was the K8B Guy Vehicle Transporter.
Attached is a photo I have taken of the inside of K17A roof of the cab of the tractor unit where K8 Dyson text exists.
Also attached are two boxes to add to those Charlie has shown. The artwork on the back of these makes for a nice backdrop in any display.
Here are two images of my earliest production model Case Dozer for the K17a. I have circled the two sections where the casting was made a little stronger on later models. You can see from the image where the roller cover is bent as to why they soon added reinforcement to this area.
This will add another Case Dozer body type to the production models, but do not edit your list just yet, I will send you some other detail Charlie.
The K17A started out in design and development days as K8. It is thought that Ford D Series Dyson Low Loader was to follow the K8A Scammell Transporter but for some reason the model that replaced the K8A Scammell was the K8B Guy Vehicle Transporter.
Attached is a photo I have taken of the inside of K17A roof of the cab of the tractor unit where K8 Dyson text exists.
Also attached are two boxes to add to those Charlie has shown. The artwork on the back of these makes for a nice backdrop in any display.
- Attachments
- K17A Case Dozer early production casting
- 1.17A Case Dozer early production casting.JPG (109.09 KiB) Viewed 4509 times
- K17A Case Dozer showing 2 x narrow braces and bent roller cover
- 2.Case Dozer showing 2 narrow braces and bent roller cover.JPG (109.51 KiB) Viewed 4509 times
- K17 started out as K8
- 3.K17 design started out as K8.JPG (129.63 KiB) Viewed 4509 times
- K17 New model box clear - windows and amber dome depicted
- 4.K17 New model box clear windows, amber dome..jpg (69.4 KiB) Viewed 4509 times
- K17 F type window insert with line drawings
- 5.K17 F type window insert with line drawings.JPG (173.84 KiB) Viewed 4509 times
- K17 F type window box with hanging tabs, rear artwork
- 6.K17 F type window rear artwork.JPG (213.27 KiB) Viewed 4509 times
Re: K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer
Nice contributions Charlie & Bert. I have another variation of the trailer:
a) green
b) bright green
a) green
b) bright green
- Attachments
- DSCN2770a.JPG (32.78 KiB) Viewed 4494 times
Re: K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer
Not really sure what you mean with "long or short roller guide". Looking at pics but can't see a difference.
There is a hidden variation I found with the earlier dozer ... the roller axles are thicker than later ones.
There is a hidden variation I found with the earlier dozer ... the roller axles are thicker than later ones.
Re: K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer
I am attaching 2 more pictures that may be easier to notice the differences.
I am attaching 2 more pictures that may be easier to notice the differences.
- Attachments
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer short or long roller guide pic#2a.jpg (232.18 KiB) Viewed 4469 times
- K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer short or long roller guide pic#1c.jpg (228.82 KiB) Viewed 4469 times
- nearlymint
- Posts: 2330
- Joined: Sun Sep 15, 2013 7:03 pm
- Contact:
Re: K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer
Hi Charlie,
Some amazing models, they look superb altogether like that.
From your list,s I think the Laing models need to go first then the TW models.
Also for information there is a version with Amber cab roof light, which is shown on some of the box drawings.(this model also has clear/light blue tinge) windows) J
Some amazing models, they look superb altogether like that.
From your list,s I think the Laing models need to go first then the TW models.
Also for information there is a version with Amber cab roof light, which is shown on some of the box drawings.(this model also has clear/light blue tinge) windows) J
Last edited by nearlymint on Sun Jul 15, 2018 10:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
Check my swaps page(rest has been under construction for years
Check my swaps page(rest has been under construction for years

- nearlymint
- Posts: 2330
- Joined: Sun Sep 15, 2013 7:03 pm
- Contact:
Re: K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer
Below Prepro Cab,s with no roof lights, these 2 models have K8 on the base(windows added by me for display).
Below trailer base with K8
The complete prepro with bulldozer which has no base info at all.
Check my swaps page(rest has been under construction for years
Check my swaps page(rest has been under construction for years

- Posts: 626
- Joined: Mon Sep 16, 2013 3:21 am
- Location: Aust
Re: K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer
Love this pre-pro model Jason. Shows some nice subtle detail with the lever inside Dozer cab, extra decal on trailer and the remains of one on the early roller/tracks covers. Nice touch with the large spare tyre fitted.
A real beauty.
A real beauty.
Re: K17A Low Loader with Bulldozer
Hi Jason & Bert,
Thanks for the input. I have revised the post.
Thanks for the input. I have revised the post.