The big book as most of us would have have now long be sold out and many people asked for an English edition of it.
Alex has visited Ricardo in Swiss and Bob Tutt in the UK (to name just a few) since the 1st book was published to make even more photos.
Bob Tutt was a great contributor to this NEW Collector's Guide.
The NEW Collector's Guide IN ENGLISH (and hard cover bound) provides even more description and explanation of model and Lesney box versions than the six-hundred-page Big Book of Matchbox Models of Yesteryear 1956–1972.
Newly discovered variations of models and the Lesney box section were also updated.
The NEW Collector's Guide IN ENGLISH has 108 pages and only covers the models 1956-1972.
All the tables are in English aswell.
You will see the general book description here: ... -1972.html
members here can sent an email to Alex direct at:
for more questions or order a copy.
Alex can also sent you the price including postage to your country directly from Prague.
Since the book was released in the Czech Republic about 10 days ago about a 1/3 of the run is now sold out.
Alex also put the book on Ebay but it is cheaper to buy direct from him by email and PayPal.
The Ebay offer for collectors who prefer that way is here: ... Sw7P5bNSKB
One of the reviews on the MOYBOYZ forum about this book:
(by Mattias, a dedicated collector from Germany)
Got my copy today - absolutely stunning - a must to have for every serious collector. As Marcel said, there is more information here, presented in a short and readable way than in any earlier book about MOYs. Price is more than reasonable for what you get.